Tutoring is Troublesome

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        Poppy loves winter. She adores the falling snow and drinking hot chocolate. So, when November ends and December comes around, it's followed by snow, icicles, and Christmas cheer. The castle is warmer than usual and hot chocolate is served at every meal.

However, this season will be a bit different for Poppy. She has to plan the Christmas Ball, sort out all the decorations, and it doesn't help that people are coming up to her all the time with questions. Poppy's got most of it written on some parchment, but she needs to officially make an announcement. Luckily, Professor Slughorn is quite excited and really wants to help, so he goes easy on her with her Potions. Unfortunately, the other teachers aren't so kind. They finally notice her enough to mark her homework missing and aware that she struggles in her classes. Which leads to Professor McGonagall pulling the stressed Hufflepuff off to the side to have a chat with her.

"It has come to my attention that you are struggling in my class." Poppy looks up at her sheepishly. "I am aware that you are planning the Ball, but it's no excuse for your grades to slip."

"I'm sorry. I just haven't had the time to study as much-" Poppy's cut off as McGonagall lifts her hand.

"Which, is why I suggest you get a tutor."

Poppy blinks. "Okay, who?"

"I was thinking your sister. Lily Evans is an excellent student."

Poppy's eyes widen. No well in hell does she want to spend more time with a sister who doesn't even know her name, never mind feel incompetent from Lily's criticism. She goes to ask her professor for someone else, but she's too slow.

"I've already asked her and she's delighted to tutor you."

Poppy balls her hands into a fist. "Okay."


         Poppy arrives to the library at 6:05, five minutes late. There aren't many people there, so Poppy spots Lily quickly. She waves her over with a smile, just glad to spend time with Poppy, who would rather be anywhere else. Lily picked them a good spot in the corner that has one of the nicest chairs and she would know, she's loves to study there all the time.

"Hey!" Lily greets with a happy wave. Poppy returns it with a small smile that feels wrong on her face. She pulls back a chair and drops her bag on the floor with a thunk. Lily feels the urge to flinch at the sound of dropped books, but ignores it. "Why are you late?"

Poppy forgot how punctual she is. "I forgot." Actually, she really just doesn't want to be there.

"Oh." Lily's a bit hurt. She's been excited all day to talk to her sister, even if it's about school. "Well, uh- Let's get started."

Poppy reaches in her bag to grab her books and sets them on the table. Lily passes her some parchment as Poppy searches her bag for a pen. Once Poppy pulls it out, Lily looks at her for a moment. "Oh."

"What?" Poppy turns to face her twin, unconsciously spinning the pen in her hand.

"It's just- You're supposed to use a quill."

"It's just homework." She points out before writing her name on the parchment. Lily sighs, ignoring the annoyance at the wrong tool. The magic of talking to her sister again is fading quickly.

"Ok, why don't we go over some Transfiguration. We'll start easy. What is the incantation to conjure birds?


90 Minutes Later

         "I don't know." Poppy says irritated.

Lily rolls her eyes. They've gone over it for the fourth time. "To make a draught of living peace, what ingredients do you need?"

"Repeating yourself does not help me remember." Poppy snaps, throwing her pen on top of her books.

"Well, I can't just tell you the answer." Lily says back with the same amount of venom. "It's not that hard."

Poppy glares at her heatedly. "If you know me at all, you would know I struggle in school." She hisses before grabbing her book and stuffing them into her bag. Lily calms at her words, making her feel bad.

"Come on! Please come back! Penny!" Lily yells, trying to get Poppy's attention again.

Poppy spins at the false name. "Shut the fuck up!"

Madam Since whirls at the sound of yells and makes a loud "shhhh" sound, making both girls quiet. "This is a library. You do not yell."

"I'm sorry, Madam Pince." Lily immediately apologizes.

"Both of you out, or detention." Poppy goes quiet. She really doesn't have time for a detention and no one's ever threatened a detention to her before. Madam Pince watches the girls walk out. Poppy shakes her head angrily.

Once they're out of the library, Lily turns to Poppy and places a hand on her arm. Poppy gives her a murderous glare, so Lily removes it quickly.

"Let's try again tomorrow?" Lily asks hopefully.

Poppy looks at her flatly. "I'd rather burn in hell."


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