Happy Christmas or Horrendous Christmas?

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(Mentions of drugs and teen drinking)

         Unlike most people, Christmas was not a happy holiday for Poppy Evans. All it did was remind her of the family that always forgot her. The only presents she ever got was from Fimmy the elf and Ernie Prang the Night Bus conductor. She usually ended up laying in bed all day crying or in the Kitchen with Fimmy. Let it be known that Poppy always sent gifts to her sisters and family. It's honestly a mystery that Lily doesn't know her twin's name.

As per usual Poppy's in a particularly foul mood, however this Christmas is quite different. She has to set up the decorations and go to her Ball, not to mention her new friends Indi and Charlie. Perhaps this Christmas will be better.



         Poppy wakes at the sounds of her roommate's screaming, making her jump up from her bed and look around wildly. Sybill Flume, a sweet girl who's obsessed with Divination, jumps on top of her bed with a bunch of tarot cards in her hands. "Muggle magic!" She squeaks over and over again.

Poppy rubs the sleep away and hops out of her bed. Her dorm smells of hot chocolate, which lifts Poppy's mood a bit. She could already tell that today would be a stressful day combined with the Ball. Poppy slips on a large red sweater and Christmas socks, still in her pajamas shorts.

Instead of finding two presents in front of her bed, she finds about ten. That's a lot more than she usually gets. Poppy's eyes tear up at the sight. "Hey, are you ok?"

Poppy coughs awkwardly, wiping the tears away from her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm great." She watches Sybill look at her a bit hesitantly. "What are you doing opening presents in the dorm? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Poppy questions.

Sybill looks down. "She moved away."

"You can join us." Poppy immediately says.

Sybill smiles, but shakes her head. "I'm not a fan of crowds."

"There's only four of us, five with you." Poppy begins to wrap her presents into a blanket so she can carry them all, something she's never had to do. "And the house elves since we're in the Kitchen, but they don't bother you unless you need something." Poppy adds as an afterthought.

"Okay then."


         Sybill and Poppy are the first one's there besides Fimmy, of course. Next is Charlie with about 17 presents and then the monster that is Indi. Her entire hands are full with presents and beneath is a full blanket of presents. She drops most of them with a crash. That's about twenty gifts. She looks up sheepishly. "Sorry. I'll be right back."

"Wait! Why?" Fimmy questions curiously.

Indi smiles sheepishly. "I have two more rounds of presents."

"How many presents do you usually get?" Poppy asks hesitantly.

Indi looks away from the group and mumbles something incoherently, but finally speaks up when Fimmy begins to tap her foot. "Forty to Fifty."

"Fifty!" Everyone yells and Indi's face turns bright red.

"I'll just open the rest on my own. I have all of yours here anyway." She murmurs, taking a seat in one of the bean bags.

After plenty of eggnog and giggling Poppy's opened all her gifts. She got plenty of candy from Fimmy, a soft blanket from Charlie, a large stuffed animal from Indi, an invitation to Slug Club from Professor Slughorn, cookies from Ernie Prang, pranking objects from James Potter, chocolate from Remus, a candy bracelet from Peter, and a color changing quill from Lily. Lily's gift makes Poppy roll her eyes, now she'll have to write with a quill, at least it changes colors.

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