Memories and Magic

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         July 12, 1967

         Two seven year old redheads splash in rain puddles, their matching yellow boots squeak with every step. A nine year old Petunia plays with Lily, giggling and splashing as their parents watch from the porch with small smiles. Lily and Petunia play tag with each other, screaming whenever they get close and laughing whenever they manage to slip in the muddy grass.

Poppy wanted to play with them too, but had promptly been ignored. She went to tell her parents, hopefully they'd be able to make her sisters play with her. Her luck must've run out since the moment she started walking towards them, they went inside for some coffee. Poppy walked up to the porch, ready to go inside and ask, but instead she was reprimanded. "Don't you dare come inside with all that mud, Poppy Joy Evans." Her mother told her sternly. It wasn't inherently mean, but to Poppy's seven year old ears, it was miserable.

She walked away, past her siblings and many of her neighbors' houses. Nobody noticed the downcast seven year old as she strolled down the street, kicking rocks and splashing puddles. Rain began to pour soon after, dripping off her raincoat. She walks with her head down, staring at her shoes and the ground. She skips over the cracks and brushes back pieces of hair that flies out of her hood.

A car's honk scares her out of her little trance. She jumps, tripping over her stupid yellow boots and falls on her butt. The car honks again, loud and demanding. She leaps up and steps out of the way. The car passes and Poppy does a look around, she's ventured a bit far from home. She turns the way she was walking before, pushing small sticks and stones along the way.

However, with Poppy's luck, thunder strikes. It scares her off her feet and the little step from concrete to a grassy forest knocks her down a steep hill. She rolls, gasping when some stones hit her hard enough to leave bruises. She only stops when she reaches the bottom of the hill, but that's not all.

Her head bounces off a large rock and she sees stars as her vision goes black for a moment. She sits up slowly, dizzy and a bit confused. She reaches her hand to the side of her hairline and prods. It reacts painfully, making her hiss. A wave of lightheadedness and nausea hits her, making her lean against the small rock that caused the accident. The rain slides down her face, soaking her hair. Poppy doesn't care, more worried about not throwing up than getting wet.

Poppy's proud to say she doesn't vomit, but she's not so sure that passing out in the forest is a better choice. As her vision goes black again Poppy can't help but murmur,

"At least I didn't throw up."


         When Poppy comes back to her senses, it's beginning to get dark and she's freezing. The rain had stopped, but she's still soaked through. Her head pulses painfully and her back aches from the uncomfortable position she laid in. Poppy reaches to prod the aching spot and pulls her hand back to find some blood. Her eyes widen and she pokes the spot again, unsure what to do.

The wind blows and she shivers before standing slowly, trying to make sure that she doesn't faint again. She sways a bit, but decides she's steady enough to walk back home. She attempted to climb the hill, but it was pointless. She just ended up more dizzy and tired than ever. Her head pulses with pain as she walks at the side of the hill. She takes a few breaks, out of breath and exhausted as her teeth chatter with cold.

Poppy takes a break for the sixth time, sitting in the wet grass. She places her hand to her head again, silently begging for the throbbing to stop. She prods again, only to find that it doesn't hurt nearly as much as it did before. She pulls her hand back to see if there's more blood, but it's just old and dried. She pokes a third time, confused.

It's like the hit never happened. The throbbing that had been destroying her, was gone.


         By the time she made it back home, the street lights had turned on. She knocked on the door and her mother answered. She rushes in, not saying a word. She glanced at the dining table, it must be dinner time. Everyone sits in front of a half eaten plate of food.

Poppy, despite dripping rain water and looking absolutely ragged, took a seat at the table. No one says a word, unsure of what to say. Her parents don't know what to do, so they settle with nothing. Poppy feels her heart crack. She stands after five awkward minutes and leaves the room.

She didn't know it yet, but that was the first time she did magic.


A/N: I already wrote the next chapter and boy am I excited to post it...

In a week.

Okay, I'll admit I can be persuaded. If people comment enough, I'll update tomorrow.

(I'm really excited for the next chapter, but nervous for your reactions)

Lot's of Love! <3

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