Forgotten but won't Forget

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         The Hogwarts Express toots it's horn loudly, signaling for all the students abroad to leave the train. Lily Evan immediately ran to her parents when she saw them waiting for her. They kissed her cheeks and hugged her until she couldn't breathe. "I miss you" was thrown everywhere, making the red-head smile. Of course, Petunia wasn't too happy her sister was back, but she had no choice in the matter, so she accepted an unwanted hug. They walked from the train station happy and with an arm wrapped around each other. A happy family.

However, they forgot a certain red-head on the train. Poppy Evans is particularly invisible to everyone around her and it's ironic that she's extremely forgetful, since so many people forget her. Teachers forget her name, students are unaware she exists, and her family fails to remember that she's a person too.

No one waits for her, the dining table does not have a seat for her, not a single person kisses her goodnight, and no one holds her as she cries. There are good things that accompany being invisible though. Poppy doesn't have to do chores, teachers forget to mark her homework wrong, and no one can break her heart since she never gave it away to start with. However, it doesn't mean the pros outweigh the cons.

Poppy sits on the bench inside the train station and watches as the droplets of water race down the glass. Her breath fogs up the window, letting her trace shapes until they disappear. The sky darkens as she waits for her parents to pick her up. She didn't notice anyone from her family when she got off, however that might have been partly Poppy's fault since she fell asleep on the train.

Poppy sits and waits on the bench for hours, waiting for someone who won't come. She can hear the rains patter get louder and harsher, but it lulls most of her bad thoughts. Poppy sighs softly. Maybe next year.

Poppy drags her case out into the pouring rain. It doesn't take long for the rainwater to soak her sweater, making her colder and miserable. Poppy grips her wand, hidden behind the side of a building.

It's always the same thing every year. Why would she ever think it different? It pours and Poppy's left to mixed tears and rain.

The familiar view of the large purple night bus appears in front of her, making a small smile grace her face. Ernie Prang grins at the drenched red-head. She rushes up to man and hugs him, regardless of the dripping rainwater.

"Hey Poppy! The usual?" Ernie asks. Poppy nods, throwing her trunk on top of the bed and wrapping the blanket around her shaking form. A hot chocolate appears in front of her as usual as they take off.

"Thanks Ernie." Poppy sips her drink slowly as the bus contorts around other muggle drivers and the beds slide everywhere.


         Poppy knocks on her door at 2 am and it's no surprise that nobody answers. All the lights are off, only the street lights remain. Disappointment is the usual in Poppy's world. She makes her way towards the side of her house where her window is located.

The hedges wiggle and a squirrel runs past her, looking hesitantly at the acorn at her feet. Poppy smiles and slowly picks up the acorn, putting her arm out for the squirrel to take. The squirrel caustionly takes the acorn with it's tiny hands and runs off.

Poppy turns back to her window. It's a lot taller than her, so she has to stand on her trunk, hoping it doesn't break under her weight. It wiggles rapidly as she stands on her toes. Poppy jumps just as the case falls and grips the ledge of her window with both hands. She struggles to pull herself up, but manages with the window only bruising her hip when it bumps the frame and she uses her hangers to makeshift a long enough hook to pick up her trunk.

Poppy flops onto her bed exhausted, too tired to change out of her damp clothes. She just lets her mind listen to the annoying crickets that strangely send her to sleep. She dreams of nothing, for all she's ever felt in everyone's eyes is nothing.


One Summer Later

A/N: Thanks for starting my book. I got this idea in the middle of the night and started writing. I know this first chapter absolutely sucks, but hopefully it get better as you read on. This is also a slow update one.

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