Frightening F*ck You's

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         Dear Mum and Dad,

Fuck you.

- Sincerely Poppy.


         Truth be told, Poppy's not sure what made her send that letter, but it was a long time coming. She would've loved to scream it to her parents face until they finally absorbed what she was saying. She wishes she could burn her entire childhood house down just to prove her point.

Fuck her parents for all her emotional trauma. She really should've ran from home years ago. They probably wouldn't notice. She honestly couldn't imagine her mum and dad worried about her unless she had spilled orange juice on their precious white carpet.

She remembers when Lily had thrown a tantrum when she was eight and told their parents she was running away. They had laughed in her face and brushed her off. Poppy watched from the edge of the room as Lily packed a bag and stomped out of the house. Poppy had followed, simply curious and wanted to know what her sister would do.

Lily walked a few miles before making herself at home at one of their older neighbor's shed, pulling out a few candy bars and books. She sat down on one of the dusty chairs after pulling on the lightbulb string for light. Poppy didn't say long after that, she walked back to their house.

No one noticed Poppy enter, but after two hours, 48 minutes, and 12 seconds her parents finally started looking for Lily. Poppy couldn't help but grin at her parents' distraught faces as they began to yell outside of the house. It was also the first time her dad had actually approached Poppy.

He caught Poppy's coy smile and had turned his stern gaze to her. "Poppy, do you know where your sister is?" He had asked, standing tall. He towered over her, intimidating the small red-head. Poppy's smile had dropped when they locked eyes.

"I think Lily's trying to prove she doesn't need you." Poppy murmured to her father softly, avoiding the question.

His eyes narrowed and he pointed a steely finger between her eyes. "Don't get smart with me." He reprimanded.

Poppy's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "Don't you want me to be smart?" She had asked.

That had caught her mother's attention. "Poppy Joy Evans, do not speak to your father that way." She shrilled, joining her husband in trying to frighten their daughter. Petunia had noticed the commotion too, but watched from behind the door of her room.

"Sorry." Poppy whispered after her mother stopped screaming, not really meaning it. She only wanted her mum to stop before her eardrums could burst.

"Where is Lily?" Her father asked again.

Poppy met his eyes head on and shook her head with false confusion. "How am I supposed to know? I'm not in charge of her." Her tone was not timid, but instead condescending. She had watched her parents lean back with surprise that's soon replaced with anger. The shock had made Poppy actually beam in her parents face.

"Poppy!" Her mother had gasped.

Poppy smirked. "Yes?"

Her father had raised a hand to smack her, but her mum grabbed his arm, effectively stopping him. "Jack!" She had cried.

Poppy blinked at them innocently as Petunia's jaw dropped. "What's wrong?" Poppy tilted her head. "Did I say something wrong?"

Her mum looked at her daughter with new eyes, looking positively frightened. "What did you do to our Lily?" She whispered, pulling her husband back. Her mother took slow steps toward the kitchen.

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