Sirius and Some Drinks

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(Mentions of drugs and teen drinking)

         "Hi!" Sirius greets in front of the room of requirement with a large smile on his face. Poppy looks absolutely stunning, with a soft white dress. He notices the low back of the dress where her tattoo can be seen. Her hairs braided and pinned up. It's a simple dress, but with Poppy in it, she is a sight to behold.

"Hey." She greets, returning his smile. She seemed a little side tracked, but she forgets about it quickly as she grins back at him.

"You came!" He cheers, before grabbing her arm to drag her inside.

Poppy giggles a bit, but pulls her arm out of his grasp. "Sorry, I'm waiting for.." She trails off for a moment. "A friend."

"Who?" He questions, his smile diminishing a bit as he notes her hesitation on the word friend. Did she meet someone new?

Poppy smiles. "His name is Nate Allen."

Sirius' smile falls completely, recognizing the name. "Isn't he that new snake from America?"

Poppy shakes her head and her grin falls too. "He's not a snake."

"He's in Slytherin." He defends.

Poppy crosses her arms. "Not everybody in Slytherin is a snake. Charlie's in Slytherin and he's one of sweetest people." Sirius rolls his eyes, but she continues. "Besides, your brother's in Slytherin too."

Sirius steps back, hurt. Why would she bring that up? They haven't talked much about his family, but he made it clear that is not a topic he ever wants to talk about. Poppy's always repeated that, until now. He looks into the redhead's guilty face, but it doesn't change anything. His eyes begin to water, but resists the urge to let them fall. He wouldn't cry in front of her.

"Sirius." She murmurs looking into his face with regret. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to bring him into this. Please-" Poppy tries to grab his arm to stop him from leaving, but he slips away.

First thing Sirius does once he's gotten away from her, is grab a large bottle of fire whiskey. He takes large, exaggerated sips, the alcohol burning as it goes down his throat. His belly fills with warmth as he drinks more.

Around ten minutes later, Remus spots Sirius with the large bottle in his hand, making him rush over to his friend who tends to make a lot of irrational decisions. "What are you doing?" Remus asks, raising his voice as the music gets gradually louder. He tries to take the bottle from him, but Sirius moves to the side.

"I'm having fun! You should too!" Sirius yells. He isn't having fun, but having Remus on his ass the whole time can be quite annoying.

"No thanks. What's wrong?" Remus questions, reaching for the bottle again, but Sirius doges his grip.

"The problem is you're being a prude!" Sirius answers, baiting Remus for his plan that he made on the spot.

Remus glares at his black haired friend. "I am not a prude."

Sirius quirks a grin and turns to the snack table. He grabs an empty plastic cup and pours a good amount of fire whiskey into it. "What are you doing?" Remus questions eyeing the drink.

Sirius ignores his question and instead sticks the cup out to Remus. "If you're not a prude, then I dare you to drink this."

Remus rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "I'm not drinking that."

"Alright, prude. More for me then." Sirius exaggerates the word prude and puts the drink to his lips, but is stopped when Remus snatches the cup from his hand and chugs the entire drink. He starts coughing and spluttering almost immediately. Sirius looks at him wide-eyed. He didn't expect for Remus to drink it that quickly. "I don't think that was safe." Sirius says as he glances nervously at his werewolf friend.

"Ugh! That's disgusting!" Remus whines, wiping the drops from his chin on his sleeve.

"You should probably eat something, Rem." Sirius grabs a brownie from the table and shoves it into his hands.

Remus gags a bit, but complies, eating the brownie quickly. "I'm never drinking again."

"Yeah, take that up with James."


         Sirius really shouldn't doubt his lady skills. He thought it'd take at least thirty minutes to grab some random girl to snog, but instead found his lips on some girl within ten minutes. However, the desire was to forget Poppy, but instead found himself dreaming and wishing it was Poppy's lips on his, not some Ravenclaw.

"Hey!" Some guy yells over the loud music.

Sirius removes his lips from the girl to look at the Hufflepuff. "What?"

"Did you eat the brownie I put here?" He asks, pointing to the empty plate with a small note attached reading "do not eat."

Sirius realizes that he did in fact give that brownie to Remus. He laughs awkwardly. "No." Sirius scratches the back of his neck nervously, really hoping that the brownie isn't what he thinks it is. "But I'm curious as to why no ones allowed to eat it."

The guy quirks an eyebrow with a grin. "I think you know." Sirius' eyes widen and he runs away from the Hufflepuff boy and Ravenclaw girl, leaving them to stand there awkwardly before shrugging and snogging each other.

"Remus!" Sirius yells, searching for his lanky figure. He maneuvers past people, but pauses when he sees Poppy leaning against a wall, taking large sips of fire whiskey from the large bottle in her hand. Despite their argument, he worries for her. He knows that she's probably drinking because of him, which makes his heart hurt.

He pulls out his wand and points it at the bottle in her hand. He whispers a simple spell under his breath, not a moment later the fire whiskey bottle has fallen out of her grasp and smashed into pieces at her feet. He can hear her slurring her words as she glances confusedly at the broken glass. She goes to pick up the pieces, making Sirius shake his head. He whispers another spell, making a blindfold go around the redhead's eyes. She squeaks and jumps back against the wall, luckily avoiding the glass. Sirius rushes forward and with a swish of his wand, the glass is swept under the table, instead of in front of the drunk girl. By the time he's done, Poppy's finally got the blindfold off. She glances at the floor with confusion, before shrugging and making her way to a couch to lay on. Sirius sighs, shaking his head.

Suddenly, Peter runs up to Sirius, almost knocking the both of them off their feet, but Sirius manages to stay upright. Peter isn't so lucky, but he jumps up quickly as he notice's Sirius. "Hey!" He tries to yell over the music. "What happened to Remus?"


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