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"So let me get this straight, you called  me here because your brother thinks I broke things of with you and the only way to prove I haven't is to go on a little vacation with him and Kate's siblings, James just put your pride aside and apologize" Alessandra rolled her eyes as she picked her side bag up.

"Okay Alessandra, I'm sorry"

Alessandra turned with a glare at James,"For what?"


"What is everything, literally everything or somethings"

James sighed as he looked at Alessandra," It's hard to open up Alessandra, I know that's where most of my problems come from but it's hard to literally open up about everything, growing up my father never listened to me, Diana was too inclined with her own problems that she didn't care about me but the one person who was supposed to be there for me, she ran and now she's back here wanting to be all happy family but I don't want that, I don't want her in my life she left me and build her own paradise while I had to suffer, growing up with no mother or father, just... I've never had anyone like you in my life, you want to listen to me and you care about my problems, but I don't know how to share my problems with you" James said sitting down as Alessandra too walked over to where he was sitting and quickly put her arm around him.

"I can't say I understand what it's like James and I know it must be hard for you to tell me this but you must try, if you really want to see us work you should try and talk to me about this, I'll never understand but I can be there for you?" She said gently stroking his hair.

"Does that mean you'll join me on this little vacation?"

Alessandra sighed as she thought of spending a week with the half Middleton clan,"I don't feel like spending a week with the Middletons, but I'll try"

"It's not the whole clan, just Pippa, her boyfriend and James the brother"

And trying she was the first day in Ibiza nothing out of the ordinary happened her and James had just explored the place as it was her first time there, but the second day had her regretting this whole trip.

And trying she was the first day in Ibiza nothing out of the ordinary happened her and James had just explored the place as it was her first time there, but the second day had her regretting this whole trip

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"Not comfortable with showing of your upper body?" Pippa asked sitting next to Alessandra,"No I'm just tired" she replied kicking the water around.

"I hope you don't mind" Pippa said causing Alessandra to frown,"Mind what?" She turned to face Pippa who was taking of her bikini top.

"Oh" She felt embarrassed having looked at Pippa's boobs, was this normal cause Pippa's boyfriend was right next to them and William was swimming right below their feet, she didn't know were Kate or her brother were but she wondered how Kate would feel seeing her sister topless in front of her fiance, while her James was resting and now she wished she was like James resting,"Don't you fear that the press might snap pictures"

"Is that why we never see pictures of you on holiday? I think you need to let loose" Pippa said letting out a laugh at the end.

"We do go on holiday, we've been on holiday twice, we just choose discrete locations, and we don't repeat destinations, it makes it harder for them to find you" Alessandra nonchalantly answered.

"I always try to get them to change locations it's a nice area but every January the press is camped out here" Pippa said with a laugh as she tried her bikini top.

"Are you excited for your sisters big day?"

Pippa shook her head as she laughed,"I don't get why everyone is making such a big deal of the wedding, I'll probably never get the hype about it"

"What about your wedding?"

"I'm not that excited, I feel like the excitement will start kicking in mid year" Alessandra said standing up,"Isn't it time to leave yet?" She asked seeing Kate packing her things and getting dressed.

"Yeah let me put my top on" Pippa said laughing finally putting her top on, for always appearing in tabloids and knowing how the paparazzi are Alessandra was surprised on how relaxed Pippa was with showing her breasts.

"But it must be hard for you I'm sure, with claims coming up that you shouldn't use the princess of Wales title, I think it's stupid" Pippa said standing and going to stand next to Kate,"It really doesn't matter to me" Alessandra said following closely behind Pippa.

"I know it would" the way back to the villa Alessandra just sat and looked as the the group all conversed while she was just looking at them, would she ever want to join them again on holiday definitely not, she knew the paparazzi had been there today and she knew the paparazzi would be at every other Middleton holiday and she wasn't ready to have her privacy violated like that, she was okay with having a small part of her life made public, but some things weren't meant to be seen by everyone.

"You should have been there cause I felt really awkward Pippa was showing the world her boobies, her boyfriend being there I understand but your brother he was right at our feet when she decided to take of her top, never and I mean never invite me to vacation with these people again" Alessandra moaned as she prepared herself for the dinner," I felt crazy cause I had my bikini top and a extra top on while she was free"

"I'm sure you're exaggerating" James laughed out causing Alessandra to frown at him,"James I felt like a freak, a prude even like so you know how awkward it feels to talk to someone but all your eyes do is focus on their breasts, I'm sure she thinks I'm lesbian"

"I'm sure she doesn't think that and trust me Pippa is just like that the first time I went on holiday with her she did the same and William didn't even glance at her so I ignored her too, And she's also telling you that she trusts you"

"Next time William invites you somewhere with the Middleton clan decline the invite, and can't she be normal and go 'oh I think your cool' or something"

"William just wants us to be comfortable around his in laws Sassa that's all"

"You should be comfortable with my family James not Kates or even Ingrids mine"

James stopped causing Alessandra to stop too as she turned to face James,"Well your family never invites me on holiday Sassa"

"Not all our parents are rich millionaires who can afford to go on holiday a hundred times a year, let's drop this conversation cause I feel a fight coming up" Alessandra said walking down to the dining area where she found everyone else waiting,"Sorry we're late"

The week after the little trip Alessandra ventured on her first royal engagement with James and although they weren't fighting a lot Alessandra had decided they should work on things that make them fight, the first James's mother, Alessandra thought it was time the had a little chat and after a month of therapy sessions Mary was reintroduced to the world and everyone was shocked and then after the shock came the theories of Diana being alive too most believing that if Mary could have faked her death why couldn't Diana and then some questioning on what led Mary to fake her death most claiming there was something going on with Charles behind closed doors, although most had been happy about the returns of Mary someone in the royal household wasn't and that would lead to tension between people.

After dealing with the Mary issue the second issue they fought about was her family and James being closer to the Middletons as whole then he was with her own family, he was only close to her brother and Maude while he wasn't really that close with the family so every Sunday James and Alessandra have to go to her parents for dinner so that he could grow closer to them as well.

The week before William and Kate's wedding Alessandra attended a royal christening of the Danish twins who she was the godmother of, she had been surprised when Mary had called and asked for Alessandra to be a godparent and even more shocked by how open the Danish christenings were compared to the British ones in general most of the other less known royals were more open and she wanted to be like them while still remaining true to the traditions of the British royal family, she knew that her and James had to be more open if they wanted to sway public opinions, if they wanted to be more out there than William and Harry, she knew what was expected of her from the Queen and public and she would try her best to not disappoint them both .

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