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Her bump is smaller

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Her bump is smaller.

"James oh my goodness why would you want to swim with pigs?" Alessandra asked looking shocked at her husband who was playing with a pig.

"Oh come on Pikachu," James said causing her to groan, she had been a fan of the cartoons when they came out and ever since James found out he couldn't stop calling her Pikachu, it seemed he was a fan of giving her nicknames.

"Pigs eat their shit never mind that they eat people," she stated causing James to shake his head.

"We should get a pig,"

"Yeah no," she replied taking a video of him feeding one of the piglets, he looked hot but she wasn't going to tell him that while he was feeding the pigs.

"So I've thought about moving to Wimpole," James said putting the piglet down, "And I don't think we should move there on weekend's yes it would work for Christmas and new years and your family could come there for Christmas but I thought maybe since its too open we wouldn't have privacy,"

"What but renovations are about to start in a week James I want the house done before the twins come," Alessandra whined as James came to sit beside her.

"I know I know, but that's why I called off the renovations,"

"Without telling me,"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," he mumbled causing her to pout as he was manipulating her with his eyes.

"It better be worth it," she mumbled hugging him causing him to smile as he rubbed her arm.

"I know you love Wimpole and trust me you'll love Crosby Court it has stables maybe once the twins are old enough we could get them ponies and it has a tennis court and two swimming pools one indoor the other out, a tennis court for my favourite tennis player who has just been made the patron of the All England Lawn Tennis And Croquet Club and lastly no need to turn the church into a house as it has three small cottages that could fit our security detail and the workers and once we get a nanny her too," James added causing Alessandra to slowly smile, he had added all the things she'd wanted.

"What was your grandmother the patron of that?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah she was and you're on do not disturb mode on our first day here I got a call from your assistant, they asked for you but obviously you might not be up for it this year but next year you could grace them with your presence, and if that doesn't make you happy I know you'll be happy to know that we'll be going down to the Netherlands for a coronation,"

"Yes tiaras," she grinned but her face paled the next second, "James what tiara will I wear?" She shrieked causing him to laugh.


"To Leonard and Lucy," James raised his glass after his speech, the two had decided they wanted to get married in the Bahamas and it was a specular wedding, beach weddings were always spectacular, Lucy looked beautiful like any other bride should ...

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"To Leonard and Lucy," James raised his glass after his speech, the two had decided they wanted to get married in the Bahamas and it was a specular wedding, beach weddings were always spectacular, Lucy looked beautiful like any other bride should have looked.

"It's getting kind of chilly," Alessandra said to James cuddling him to get a little warm.

"Want to leave?" He asked not wanting her to catch a cold.

"No it's fine, let's go to the bonfire, I want to dance a little," she stood up dusting her dress off and dragging James to the bonfire where they started to dance.

"Where are your shoes?" Susan asked as Alessandra joined them by the bonfire.

"Ugh I almost fell two times and you know what they say about the third time right?" She whispered not wanting James to hear her he'd have a fit.

"I hate this song," Sybil said as Susan started singing some song that had Alessandra laughing and Sybil groaning.

"Hi," a voice greeted startling Alessandra.

"Oh hello," she said with a smile it wasn't the first time she'd been approached by a stranger that night, it was getting annoying but of course she wouldn't say anything.

"This is Lucy's younger brother," James said introducing the boy, well he looked like a boy who couldn't be anything older than 16.

"I'm Victor I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" He asked causing James to glare at the young boy.

"Of course, come I love this song," she said as Whitney Huston's I wanna dance with somebody came on.

"How old are you Victor?"

"I'm 20,"

"Really?" Alessandra asked masking her shock.

"Yeah I look young I know but you're not that older than me you're just married to the old guy," he stated with a chuckle, "Why would someone like you want to go marry that old dump,"

"It was nice dancing with you Victor," Alessandra said wanting to move away but the boy had a tight grip.

"Oh come on Alessandra I'm sure once the baby is born you're dumping his ass, just know that you have someone younger waiting for you," he hissed pulling her closer.

"Okay that's enough Victor," Lucy interrupted after seeing her brother with Alessandra she knew Victor was obsessed with her but she didn't think he'd do anything but after seeing their exchange she was wrong.

"It's nothing sis," he said letting go of Alessandra and walking away.

"I'm sorry about him," Lucy said to Alessandra who was rubbing her wrist, "You should get those iced,"

"Yeah, thanks for interfering," Alessandra mumbled walking back to James.

"Done already?" He asked knowing how much Alessandra loved dancing.

"Yeah, yeah can we go rest it's just been a busy day," she mumbled leaning into his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked rubbing her back.

"No," she mumbled crying into his chest, in normal circumstances what Victor said wouldn't have hurt her but now with the hormones, it was getting to her.

"What's wrong?" He asked moving away from Joseph and Leonard.

"You know I love you right?" She asked looking up at him her eyes red and watery," Right?" She mumbled again causing James to sigh and kiss the top of her head.

"I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't know that Alessandra," he mumbled causing her to sigh and nod relief washing over her, "Why are you asking that?" he asked but she didn't reply just leaned further into him.

"Nothing," she finally mumbled.


The two spent another week in the Bahamas but their last day wasn't pleasant as the press had gotten word of the two being thereafter Lucy posted a video from the wedding on her Instagram, and it showed a glimpse of Alessandra who the press was all over as it was the first time they caught a glimpse of her bump, the Royal bump as they'd dubbed it, she gave a eye roll at the name they'd given it they'd added royal to everything she did and made it seem like a new thing.

So it was back to engagements for the two but before that they were viewing Crosby Court, and Alessandra had fallen in love it was different more closed of and she understood why James wanted to move there while Wimpole Hall was big and spacious it was open and the press could get pictures but the part where James said ponies really got her, she wanted her children to grow up like she had but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try and make them seem normal they were far from being normal they were royals and one of them was the future monarch.

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