Thirst tweets

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A/n this is just a idea I had it's not a official thing.

"Hi my name is James the Prince of Wales," Alessandra said with a deep voice pretending to be her husband who gave her a side eye.

"And I'm Sassa the Princess of Wales," he said in a obnoxiously sweet voice making her shove him lightly.

"I do not sound like that," she grumbled out pinching her husband "Okay serious mode on," she said moving her hand over her face, her face immediately turning into a serious one.

"Okay let's go," she said putting both her thumbs up and taking out her iPad.

"I would let Princess Alessandra ahh," Alessandra stopped reading the text with a shocked expression as she handed the iPad to James "I can't do this I'm sorry," she said standing to leave "this is too vulgar oh my goodness, do people actually write these?" She questioned looking at her husband who shrugged his shoulders.

"Sit you're the one who wanted this,"

"I thought it was funny," Alessandra argued sulking as she sat back down.

"Read it,"

"I would let Princess Alessandra... breathe Sassa breathe...sit on my face," Alessandra read out with a grimace on her face, "Don't know why they would want that I would probably suffocate them,"

"I would do anything to lick Prince James's feet," James read out making his wife laugh.

"Ahh that's not so bad," Alessandra said before covering her face as she realized what she said could be taken out of context, "Next imagine being Alessandra's child, aww," Alessandra said putting a hand over her heart but immediately regretting as she read the next bit "cause every time I'm hungry I just suck on those ample, yeah you get the idea," she said with a laugh rolling her eyes at how it went from sweet to dirty.

"I'd let prince James and Alessandra sandwich me," James read, Alessandra frowned as it seemed he was getting all the non explicit ones.

"What does that mean? It sounds cannibalistic, we don't eat people," Alessandra said with a giggle, "I once watched this show where this man was eating people and I stayed away from meat for a very long period,"

"I could never especially with your cooking, remember the first meal you cooked for our date,"

"How could I forget, you couldn't stop comparing my steak to restaurant steaks every time we went out, like oh this is good but you know what we could have stayed at home and had an even better dinner,"

"Was it a lie?"

Alessandra shook her head furiously "How else was I going to let you fall for me,"

"It was the cooking wasn't it, I knew something was up,"

"Your royal highnesses," Alessandra's assistant called out reminding them that they were still live, at first Alessandra didn't want to do this cause it was too celebrity but after buzzfeed offered them a donation they did it, she would rather take donations for silly work then from dodgy rich men who wanted honors.

"I forgot that we were live okay moving on," Alessandra said looking down at her ipad "I would let Alessandra spit in my mouth," she said making a disgusted face as she looked at the camera "I wouldn't even spit in my own mouth, so yeah no, for both our sakes,"

"I would invite James for dinner,"

"Ahh that's nice," she interrupted with a smile.

"And when he gets here, I'd be like sorry uhm I forgot to cook but I'm on the menu and let that man eat me out,"

"First dirty one," Alessandra said with a smirk holding her hand out to which James high fives her.

"I would cook for you dear Twitter user, I'm a great chef,"

"A great but lazy chef so I don't really think you would, you'd probably order takeout,"

"Or leave if there's no food what am I doing there?"

"Exactly," Alessandra said in a duh tone mocking her husband "okay last one, I'll give you the honours dear husband of mine,"

"Why thank you lovely wife," he replied blowing her a kiss "Prince James, I have three holes and their all available,"

Alessandra let out a cackle making James lightly shove her, "Okay this is the first and last time we ever do this so I hope you enjoyed this, I'm going to need to go to church and read the holy bible because what I just read was, wow,"

"You guys are very imaginative," James added as Alessandra nodded her head, although she knew he was lying their sex lives where anything but vanilla they understood all the sexual references in the texts but to the world they would act like this innocent couple that knew nothing.

"This was very informative if you're under 18 don't watch this please, although I think I was supposed to say that at the beginning," Alessandra said making a heart sign at the camera "I love you all and stay safe, and tune in to the bbc this weekend for some exciting news from my husband, myself and Prince William, we're all so excited to share this with you, and I'm sure it will bring joy to your hearts,"

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