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Dedicated to CauseJJxx  cause she wants a Alessandra to spoil her man 🤗🤗 and this wasn't planned if you read the comments from the last chapter she said she wanted Alessandra to spoil James and this is it.

"Are we ready?" Alessandra whispered intro the phone not wanting her husband to hear.

"Yes tomorrow you'll be at Birkhall where everything is already out together," Helena confirmed with Alessandra who nodded her head although Helena couldn't see her.

"Good then the next week when everyone has arrived you'll send out the invites, and we'll on be on our way," Helena said as they discussed some final details before they went back to their own duties.

"Have you seen my set?" James asked running around like a headless chicken, unlike his brothers James wasn't a huge polo fan, yes he did participate in matches when his charities where involved but other than that he was a huge golf player.

"Do I look like I play golf?" She asked looking up from the book she was reading.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Here," she said standing to go get them for him.

"You knew where they were?" He asked shocking following after his wife.

"Yeah you left them in London, I wonder how have you been practicing this whole time?" She said opening her office door and getting his set out.

"That's my practice set, you had them brought here oh you're a God sent," he said hugging his wife who giggled looking up at him.

"No I didn't, I had it made for you,"

"You really didn't have to do that my old set was perfect,"

"I know but I wanted to look at the bottom," she said with a mischievous grin.

"What did you do?" He asked warily taking the club out "Oh," he said looking at it shocked "This is,"

"Is it bad if it's bad you can say so and I'll have someone bring your old set heck I'll go take it myself,"

"No it's amazing," he said looking at his monogram in shock, she had monogrammed the golf club for him.

"Really I thought you'd hate it since it might seem flashy," she said crossing her arms behind her back and scratching her elbows out of nervousness.

"Flashy my foot, this is just my monogram, but it's perfect,"

"Good cause I had cuff links monogrammed for you too," she said taking out a smaller box which held cuff links "I know you're not big on jewellery but it's just something I thought off, like it's a congratulations your swimmers made it," she snickered making James laugh.

"Ohh look at that a signet ring too," he said looking at the ring.

"Oh that's for me,"

"What?" He said pulling the box closer to him but Alessandra had already swapped the ring.

"Babe you don't even like rings," she joked taking the ring and putting it on her pinky event though it was too big "I'll just turn it into a necklace then," she said playing with the ring as she turned to leave the room.

"Hey nope give that here," he said playfully wrestling her for the ring.

"Oh so you're a liar," she said with a small grin on her face "I wonder what else you've lied about, woof woof," she said imitating a dog bark.

"I said I was allergic to certain types of dogs," he said with a sigh and a eye roll.

"If my memory serves me correctly you said all dogs, but no here I find a video of my husband at a dog cafe,"

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