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The wedding of Albert and Charlene was the weirdest wedding Alessandra had ever attended, the whole event was just weird, with the rumours of Charlene wanting to run away making headlines, in Monaco, before the wedding the way Charlene and Albert were acting didn't put any of those rumours to rest, she was crying what most would call tears of joy, but to Alessandra she looked like she was crying out for help, she couldn't watch the wedding without thinking of getting up and walking away from the whole thing and it seemed many of the guest thought the same thing.

"That was the weirdest wedding I've ever been to, did you see the way she was crying" Alessandra rambled as they were on their way back,"I feel so sorry for her"

"Sassa let's not comment on this we don't know about" James said opening the door to apartment 1A.

"No no no, I don't believe that you always say that when you know something" Alessandra said putting her bag down by the door.

"Maude said the same thing too" She said throwing herself on the sofa, "You can't be sad the day of your wedding you have to be happy and joyful that's going to be the best day of our life so be happy"

"I heard some noise's and knew you were back" Ingrid said as she entered the apartment with Arthur.

"I'm not that loud stop exaggerating" Alessandra said laughing as she took Arthur into her lap, and James came back with a bottle of water for Alessandra.

"He's just so cute man, he's giving me baby fever" Alessandra said tickling Arthur.

"Your boosting that ego of his" Ingrid said shaking her head at her son,"So you guys planing on having kids anytime soon?"

"Yes" was James' while Alessandra shook her head no.

"We're still discussing it" she said sending a hard look to James.

"Oh okay" Ingrid said sensing the tension,"Where's Mary? She said she'd borrow me some earrings"

"Oh she told me you'd be here to collect them, the sapphire one's I just wore, thank goodness I didn't put them back, James please go take them for her"

"You're just trying to get rid of me, let's go Artie" he said taking the boy from Alessandra.

"So how are things with Harry?" Alessandra said to Ingrid who's smile immediately turned into a frown,"Ingrid" she said moving to go sit next to Ingrid.

"When it was just Arthur I could handle it, but... But now we have another one on the way I know I know I'm stupid, but after he stopped seeing Chelsy I thought things would finally work out for us but now he's back but with someone else and when I found out it was such a mess but I don't know what to do anymore Ali" Ingrid cried out into her friends shoulder.

"Harry just doesn't listen it's time I beat some sense into him" James said surprising the two as they turned to see him out Arthur down and walk out.

"We should stop him" Alessandra said going to stand up but Ingrid pulled her down, "No! No Ali he needs to do this, please let him do this" Ingrid cried causing Alessandra to sigh should she stand with her friend or go stop James from beating Harry up?

"Ingrid I know this is hard but we need to stop him, he'll break Harry you know how James is overprotective of the ones he loves and he loves you and Arthur and he'll beat Harry down to a pulp" she said causing Ingrid to sigh as she stood and wiped her tears,"Go I just need time I'm going back home for a few days  okay" Ingrid said causing Alessandra to frown and nod her head.

"Oh thank goodness you're here, what happened James just came barging in here and immediately went for Harry" Skippy of Harry's friend said as he led her to the kitchen where James had frozen veggies on his hand and Harry was no where to be seen.

"Let's just go" she said sighing as she looked at James who stood.

"I had to do it Harry has hurt Ingrid more than enough and she chooses to stay because of Arthur but she doesn't deserve this"

"I know she's told me, but beating him won't solve anything, you know she told me she wants to leave but with the baby she can't and she knows if she leaves she'll loose almost everything and also the press will be on her case"

"I've been speaking to granny, so if there's a divorce Harry has more to loose"

"James can we talk about the baby thing" She said as they entered their apartment again, "I do want a baby just no next year maybe in the the next two years but not right now"

"Why not? Alessandra I thought this is what you wanted"

"It's what you wanted James but I promise you, after next year we'll try I just really need to settle into being the Princess of Wales, and I want to bring a child into this world while I'm still focusing on finding my feet in this family and then you and I can officially focus on having children I promise" Alessandra said going over to kiss him,"How many did you say you wanted"

"5" James answered laughing, "That's a bit too much don't you think?"

"Nope I want 5 and all of them to look like my gorgeous wife" he said squeezing her in a hug.

"Can't breathe" she said laughing but she went serious after a few seconds,"You know he's going to report you?"

"Trust me I know, but what can my father do he's not my boss anymore"

"But he's still your father and you need to respect him" She said sternly causing James to roll his eyes.

"Let's not talk about him, instead Granny told me you changed tiaras"

"Your grandmother is a snitch, but don't tell her I said that" she said laughing, she she decided to change to the floral tiara and leave the Fringe but she would still wear the fringe for the wedding party meaning she would still wear the tiara and would also be wearing a tiara for her reception.

And like predicted Harry had told Charles about what had happened of course leaving out the part he played in all this and like always Charles had scolded James but he of course ignored his father's scoldings.

William and Kate's tour had been a success and of course the press were eating it up, they loved Kate and in their eyes she could do no wrong.

Zara's wedding was also blur as the press was only focusing on either Alessandra, Kate and Ingrid, although most of the attention was on Ingrid, Kate was starting to catch up and Alessandra would of course be more popular then the two women as she was the Princess of Wales and because her wedding was the one up next so obviously she'd garner all the press.

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