Lumine and Wolf Boy

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It had been another day again adjacent to Mondstadt. The fowls flapped their wings, the skies a temporarily dreamy undisturbed caricature of blue and dark purple. It was nearing mid-afternoon, a time where the hilichurls awake violently and slaughter boars for sport. 

At a serene yet precarious environment like Wolvendom, the land where 'The Wolf of the North' dominated the weaker denizens who inhabited its territory, a young man with spiky grey hair was holding a certain bright blonde-haired girl by her forearm, gently guiding her inside the forest.

Whatever the context of compassion is inside this feral but humane claymore-wielder, he was really testing this girl's endurance by leading her through a thorny path only he was used to a good hundred meters away from the Dawn Winery. This would lead to a place richer than the areas he was accustomed to on a daily basis.

Hunting. Sleeping. Gathering. Razor harbored excellent memory on jotting down the routes inside his mind about those subjects. He saw far ahead than his pack of wolves. They were lupical. In other words, family, his kin. Although a bit different from hair genetics and display of ferocity, Razor earned respect from the animals. 

Paimon was helping Diluc with a financial crisis though that reason didn't convince her to not accompany Lumine on this presumptuous 'date'. That cheeky fairy was almost similar to Zhongli's forgetfulness about Mora. Razor had to be swift in optimistically kidnapping Lumine from her for the time being to show her his world. Paimon couldn't catch up to his speed. He basically yanked Lumine away for the day.

"We... almost there. Water, you want?" Razor was amazingly adept in body language. There wasn't anything he couldn't do if he put his all into it. Understanding animals, proficient in herbs, and not so knuckle-headed in battle. The guy was an all-around person, if not canine-like at times.

They stopped for a second, the sights of emerald nature embracing them in a circular field. Lumine glanced at him weirdly but she wasn't displeased whatsoever. In fact, the mere sight of him nowadays made her heart beat more than the standard count in a day. She still had to find her brother. This wasn't the best way to go out.

His bright red eyes bore into hers, unnerved and upfront prepared to do anything to make her happy. 

"I'm fine," Lumine replied. "Maybe we can talk first before going wherever you want. I'd like to know how you're doing. It's been three days since I last saw you." 

"Oh," Razor didn't take note of that. "Hi then. I... like you? Hope you feel same?"

By the gods... I'm getting tortured. Lumine thought. His vocabulary was poorer than Mona's current monetary situation but it was indeed hotter and sweeter than the wine served at the tavern. Lumine took sips, not the whole thing. Venti was just a bastard who couldn't differentiate drinks from 'drinks'. 

"Uh. So... what are we gonna do today when we get there?" 

He held her hand, smiling at her in hopes of getting hugs later on. "Home. I bring friends sometimes. You first as someone I like more than friends." 

Lumine giggled, embracing him from behind playfully. "Let's take it slow, yes?" 

"Slow?" Razor's head bobbed down, unable to comprehend the meaning of that word. It was simple but it was laced with a distinct impact. Lumine held both of their hands together, him at the front and her from behind as they calmly watch the skies like a theatrical play unfolding before them. "What is that mean? A kind of slow?"

"I mean, we've been seeing each other for a month and we're already being this way." 

"I don't understand. I do wrong?" 

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