Jean Gets A Surprise

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In the evening, Jean and Lisa were discussing about current affairs.

"The transportation costs are about 150,000 Mora. Our carriers will be the means of commute." Lisa promenaded back and forth in a brisk manner. Her heels clacked against the brown leather carpet floors. Her hair swayed with each motion. "Amber has been sent out to gather intel near Wolvendom about a special type of fruit. I estimate she'll arrive at a respectable time in an early ante meridiem."

Jean, punctual as ever, sat beside her desk. She absorbed the information being pushed into her ears. A clutter of documents acted like pillars in her peripherals. As much as she loved being depended on, she couldn't handle these matters consistently. And she hated that fact.

"Also," Lisa remarked. Jean connected eyes with her best friend. "Klee's being reprimanded in close quarters about detonating her bombs near Starfell Valley. She will be released in about... two minutes." 

Jean sighed, inspecting the top file atop one of the documents. She held one by her gloved fingers, official as it is, this required moderation. "You don't suppose I can review these according to schedule?" 

The amount of work was tantamount to a month's time span. She was expected to look through this in the course of three days? The rest weren't even requests. They were mostly about what the Knights of Favonius accomplished thus far. The paperwork was what vexed her in great length. 

This is for the people. I have to assure them this is nothing. This is nothing.  As a Gunnhildr... She thought. 

Lisa contemplated for a few seconds before addressing her blonde-haired friend's worries, "I'm afraid this came at the last minute. I would have arranged these by order if they were sent as due promised but..."

"Ah... Yes. Carry on then." Jean palmed her face with both of her hands. 

Seeing this moment of weakness unravel, Lisa landed her rear against Jean's desk. "Maybe take a break for a while, Jean? I'll happily scan these files while you take a well-earned rest."

The woman with the blue tailcoat waved her hands dismissively, "Need I remind you of the last time I took a break with the rest in a tavern?" 

Jean groaned that she had to cater to everyone's needs. She'd normally treat it as a good deed but did she really have to get herself involved in a play? Take part in revamping the city's walls? Or help that one blacksmith with his smoking problem?

She was fully capable of all of them. It's just...

"I need to stop being merciful for once," Jean said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She leaned into her desk, the side of her face smushed against its oaky pigmentation.

"Kindness isn't necessarily a bad trait. I'm just alarmed it hasn't gotten you a reward but higher status."

"Does it have to mean something?" Jean asked, tiredly smiling. "I like seeing people happy. It reminds me of bright colors. Once you experience happiness as I do, you don't seem to care about what you want anymore. Your needs are equal to everyone's."

"Which is why you can't ask for more?" Lisa asked, smiling along with her friend.

"Seeing Lisa makes me happy." Jean chuckled, coughing in between.

"I'm glad you feel that way. You should really hold off at least until tomorrow."

"And leave this work to yourself?" 

Lisa grinned, "You're questioning my reading comprehension?"

Jean really wanted to sleep. "What did you mean earlier about not receiving a reward than status?" 

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