Parma Cordis, Maid of the End

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The winds of Mondstadt carry on eternally in the land of Teyvat. Every sacrifice one composes yields unpredictable destinies. The strongest wolf that was once its enemy now becomes one of its proudest protectors. And just like the animal that encircles its domain, snarling at each trespasser, the city keeps growing and follows the same principle.

Like Liyue, in defending their harbor, Mondstadt with its formidable winds. This was a tale that a certain battle maid loved hearing of. To protect, to love, to shoulder the burden. Such essential qualities for a prospective knight of Favonius. Noelle withheld such deep admiration for her nation. 

A child submissive to the lights and wonders the fantastical stretch of land the Anemo Archon was enamored with, a believer of hope and hard work combined, a follower under the tutelage of a grandmaster she treasured. 

Noelle was the epitome of perfection. She made sure to follow the criteria in the handbook, achieved everything through effort, and learned from her errors. 

In the end, the vision she was gifted with sought to give her answers to her questions. Not the greatest vision, even she wasn't pleased completely by it but it is what she was blessed with. Of course, she'd make the most of it.

At a devilishly early start of the morning where the sun hasn't peaked, Noelle was already energetic and full of promise. If Jean Gunnhildr awoke at the darkness of dawn, why can't she? 

She was doing the same routine. Harvesting for materials, taking commissions from the guild, offering help to those who need her. This was all to become a knight but the reward wasn't as close as she thought.  

On that fine day, a few hours later, a group of children were surrounding a much weaker and shorter boy. Noelle would love to think this was just friendly banter but the expressions on their faces were easy to comprehend. 

She heard their outbursts directed towards the cornered kid, their arms flailing and pushing the young boy to the ground. 

What would Jean do in this situation?

"It's all your fault that Yaya's in danger! You should go save her!"

Another voice stormed through the ruckus, "We told you that place was too risky! You shouldn't have gone!"


A foot was about to kick the young boy's head until Noelle dashed in high-speed, tightly hooking her fingers around the rotund whippersnapper's calf. She could've sworn if this were a monster instead of a human, she'd have popped the leg already. The trim-cut junior screeched from the sudden action and recoiled, his leg now had Noelle's handprints begriming it. 

Noelle stood up, dusting her skirt.

"Are you alright?" Noelle asked, giving the harmed youngster one of her angelic and grateful smiles.

"H-hm... I think so." The boy nodded. 

At that moment, the group of troublemakers could see Noelle's pupils glitter with a faint yellow. It felt like it entered their hearts with a piercing cry of hopelessness and angst. 

"Gr... That hurt! Who the heck are you?!"

"I can say the same thing to you. Don't you know it's bad manners to hit someone? In public, even! Such behavior can net you a loss of freedom!" Noelle interjected passionately, meaning every single word that flowed out of her mouth. 

"Hah? Bad manners? This kid just did something way beyond manners!" 

"Could you please tell me instead of inflicting harm on your fellow children?" She asked one more time. 

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