Music To My Ears

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"It's his birthday wish that everyone notable in Mondstadt attend. We will dish out the required Mora for their presence! Even if it's a million! As long as all of you are present!"

"Why a party of this scale?"

"He simply wishes to see this generation's bellwethers of Mondstadt."

"Is that really all?"


Venti had thought the knights were a bit too paranoid and strict. However, their fears were justified when monsters had almost invaded their home. It was a time of merriment and positivity these days recently, after all. When the bard met Jean Gunnhildr and talked with her on several occasions, he could finally understand why the knights were able to work so hard. 

Their Grand Master worked like a madman and they would do their best to replicate that kind of mindset. No wonder Noelle loyally followed her hellish exercise regimen like a devout follower.

In the bard's personalized curriculum, there were no built-in foundations of how to do certain objectives. He would just let the wind decide that for him and then he'd follow suit. Nothing daunted him except for a few cats and literal destruction. He'd divulged in more than two alcoholic beverages in well-timed intervals to enjoy his evanescent adjournments. 

He'll casually pop by and sing songs for the people with his lyre. Through music, his words flow like a quixotic zephyr. A true Windborne Bard.

"I must admit..." Jean Gunnhildr settled her nimble fingers underneath her bottom lip. the rays of the well-moderated lamps affixed against the walls giving the room a gentle glow. "This is quite a gallant demand... To call for all well-renowned individuals to gather in Mondstadt for a birthday is a pipe dream." 

This would undisputedly harrow the current Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius but she was no stranger to tedious amounts of work. Both her and Venti were inside HQ with Klee being right beside them locked up in confinement. But all notable figures of Mondstadt? It was akin to seeking gold.

The request was without decorum too. Despite that, those men were too passionate in all peripherals. They wanted to make this birthday party happen.

"I'm still worried. Are we not meddling in their privacy?" Jean asked the bard. "No matter how much I rationalize it, this is a strange request."

"Hehe! There's always a catch for every situation!" The bard brightly answered back. "But why should I worry further if it's a day of celebration? The condition is laid out before us but the directions weren't so clear. Don't you think the kid would just like for his idols to come to attend his special day? I can think of a couple of people in mind."

"When you put it like that..." Jean held her forehead in place to prevent it from cracking because of the mysterious request. "I'm all quack, sorry, that does make sense. So we just have to make this kid happier than he's ever been on his birthday huh?"

"Why shouldn't it be us? Are you unable to reciprocate the kindness of your people's offers?"

Jean slathered her expression a change of heart, her features gleaming. "I shall gladly accept whatever the people offer me. If it's just for a short while, I can be there."

The bard realized the magnitude of those words the Grand Master released out of her mouth. A day she let go of her responsibilities for a short period may as well lead to more time inputted into her work. He had felt somehow forlorn for asking for the Grand Master's attendance. 

But if she accepted, it must've not hurt to have a break once in a while. 

"He's turning nine, by the way, forgot to tell you."

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