Hu Tao and Sad Boy

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"For the last time, we are not in any need of your services!" Verr Goldet remarked irritably at the dark-coated girl wearing a porkpie hat. Wangshu Inn had been prospering as of late in the patronage scheme of things. 

Passing travelers coming from a hard day of work gather around in the vicinity to take advantage of the scenery's calming moonlight. Hu Tao just happened to be passing by in the wee hours, giggling and skipping like she'd found her next target. Even around the time of slumber, the inn was still quite active with its operations. 

Verr Goldet had managed to gain a massive overhaul of the inn's stock on food and leverage by check-up. Smiley Yanxiao, the stalwart yet mellow individual who happened to be proficient in cooking aided in resources.

Being the boss of a well-respected establishment can deliver so much joy and stress simultaneously. To Verr, encountering a poetic and off-the-chain person like Hu Tao has to be karma on her side. 

"Aw come on! The casket's 10% off! We can even deliver it to you right away just in case... repercussions occur. There's this famous proverb that goes along the lines of 'When clouds disperse, the skies become clear for the time to imburse.'"

"You do realize only traveling merchants are able to pull this kind of strategy off? And a casket, at this time of the year?" Verr thought the girl was kidding until she said she was the 77th director of a funeral parlor in Liyue. The girl was fiddling with the candlestick perched on top of the desk like it was the polearm she used for fighting hilichurls. How could this girl be the manager of a painful occupation? The world worked in mysterious ways. Verr would leave all the answering of questions to the travelers. 

"Kid, I'm running a business with the purpose to make people relax; not tell them to bury themselves."

Hu Tao pouted, closely watching an incoming dog stare at her innocently in the background. Liyue was indeed a tough place to do business, what more with this one? Wangshu Inn was in the middle of both lands so it'd make sense that people from the other cities can interact here together. 

"Oh... I see... Well, it was worth a shot. After all, the unexpected is always welcome in my book." Hu Tao said, turning her back on the boss of the inn, hands behind her waist. "Hm... However, persuading you wasn't my last intention on such short notice."

"If you're offering a vault for the afterlife, I suggest you take your eventual relapse someplace else." Verr threw back, having just about enough.

"No, no! Goodness no! That isn't what I intend to do..." Hu Tao waved her hands in dismissal. "Ooh, you just gave me an idea for future undertakings. Contributors shouldn't really be taken for granted!"

"As long as it doesn't harm my customers, you're free to do whatever. I can always call the Millelith on you."

Hu Tao jokingly drew back. "Aiya...! You wouldn't! Well, that's what youngsters are supposed to say! Tee-hee!" Hu Tao giggled. "I believe the person I'm most concerned of happens to frequent this fine building of yours." 

Verr raised an eyebrow at that curiously. 

Hu Tao raised her hand up just in time to stop the boss from saying anything.

"No! Don't tell me where he is! I'll find him myself! You were just a lost opportunity to join hands with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. So long!"

In the main lobby of the inn, Hu Tao descended down a staircase that led to what seemed like a vegetable wonderland. Of course, this was where Smiley Yanxiao worked his magic with the ingredients. Exquisite pottery lined up on the shelves, a dozen cabbages stocked up separately in various baskets and even Valberries from Mondstadt were neatly piled up in a corner. 

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