Kazuha's Life

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Reveling in the soothing comfort the winds provided gave me more hope than the people who nurture it. Highly elevated places were my go-to, my sanctuary and a place I can call solace. It suited my Vision well but I'd grown accustomed to cliffs and looking down from above the clouds a long time ago.

I was but a child. A naïve yet determined kid who would do anything to bring back that sweet but evanescent recollection. Time became much crueler as I grew. I've learned a lot of things but there's still plenty I needed answered. Sadly, I alone cannot illuminate the way.

A life required multiple necessities. Connections, knowledge, and hardships. You could say I'd crossed all them out, not in the way I intended but how my life had been planned out. Let the wind lead I suppose.

"We're leaving in a few minutes, Kazuha," Beidou did not treat me so well in our first meeting. She was not just a mere pirate who roamed the seas. She'd apparently fought a wild and ginormous beast, sailed the harshest seas, and beat the Tianquan in chess more than once. Aside from my own lonesome, she'd fulfilled what any adventurer would dream of in their peak career.

You can also say I harbored some sort of strange connection to her. I'd flee Inazuma and stumbled along the way. Then we'd met in stranger circumstances, ending with both of us carrying our weapons and standing side by side. Some wise ronin did say that you meet special people in the battlefield.

The best thing was no conversation was vital. Only the clash of blades and emotions could be understood through steel and sparks.

"Are you still daydreaming? Thought you'd gotten out of that one ever since we'd held a party last night."

This was just me. I loved being lost in my own world. Sometimes I cared less about my surroundings and just focused on the silliest hypotheticals. Imagination was temptation itself.

"Negative. I was simply enjoying the view," I said.

"As you always do. You don't need another headbutt, do you?" she proposed, cracking her knuckles.

I shook my head, emphasizing my refusal even further by sighing.

"You already saw what Liyue is like. What else is there for you to do?" Beidou sat beside me on the grass, inhaling in the air with a prideful chest.

"I..." Staring at a floating leaf, I grew restless and spoke out. "I don't really have much of a plan. But I do have some intentions in mind. Does that make sense?"

Beidou grinned. "If Ningguang heard you said that, she would tell you to give up and rethink your decisions." She patted the back of my head, a little rough but any contact was welcome.

I laughed.

"The greatest plans don't need to be concrete."

"You're fortunate I know of your character. Otherwise, I'd bring you back to your home." Beidou had never lied to me.

"I don't think my home exists anymore. I only have my heart and the memories I've made."

"You can have 15% of my ship. You're always welcome with me, Kazuha. The crew's having fun with you aboard," she stated honestly. "You make me quite happy too. Do you see our synergy when we fight hilichurls and hoarders up to no good?"

I did. And I captured all of those memories so perfectly. I couldn't forget the faces of those we'd given justice to. I might never truly understand what justice is for everyone but Beidou's gratefulness could most likely be sufficient for an alternative definition.

She was radiant under the sunlight. A stern and courageous soul. If she were me, would I have never escaped? Knowing her, she'd try blasting down the Raiden Shogun and pass away smiling in defeat. I ran because I had to. When I see Liyue at its finest, I begin to envision what could've been done with Inazuma.

"You're being deaf again," she said.

I turned my eyes at her. She looked grand from this perspective.

"Did you say something?"

"Should you ever leave the crew, your rank as airheaded supervisor will collect dust," she joked. "When you return, let's drink and eat some grub, yeah? I could use a few stories about you."

Well, my heart can't help but submissively respond back.

"Perhaps, if I'd been born much earlier, I'd have courted you right then and there."

She playfully strangled me with one arm, ruffling up the top of my hair.

I chuckled. What a reaction.

"Just so you know, a boy like you can only do that much with your attitude," she teased.

"You're saying I do have a chance?"

We'd spent half an hour wrestling. Yeah, we weren't leaving yet. I'm glad I met Beidou.

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