Fischl And Liang

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Fischl guaranteed everyone she was efficient in anything she partook. A hardworking adventurer by the day and coveted vigilante at the crack of dusk. Commanding Oz to be her eyes had to be the greatest feeling ever. To be able to see above the clouds and in-between places she couldn't cross was indeed a phantasmagoria to her.

Still, she provided input to her trusty Raven when its own pair of eyes failed its purpose, about anything enigmatic and seldom mischievous. The winged creature unfastened its hearing whenever she spoke nonsensically at times. But this creature knew better than anyone else as it was the only existence that can understand Fischl without having to ask 'Come again?'

They journeyed through a chasm side-by-side. The Adventurer's Guild was getting merciless with its daily commissions but Fischl wasn't susceptible to the unknown. She had Oz as her second sight unequaled in awareness and accuracy. Fortunately, the blonde-haired archer bounced often with her activities. She was quite a spontaneous teenager with a sense of danger. And that eagerness to tackle the looming threat in front of her is what made her iron-clad without any armor.

"Perhaps a breather is best, Mein Fräulein." Oz recommended. Despite being an elemental bird of electricity, it still had a limit to it. Oz can't be out for too long without sustenance.

Fischl hopped atop the gravel, the myriad of pebbles below her looked like discarded garlands, almost as if they were leaves sent down from the skies. She took in the lavish grasslands and trees in the forest. Oh, the number of hilichurl camps she had vanquished in her quest was handled in a debonair manner.

She extended her hands out, reaching as far as she can into Adepti knows what, "Light has now chosen to slumber in the alcoves, obedient to the time that makes us all brittle and inane..."

Fischl turned around for Oz, a powerful glint unescaping in her eyes, "Do you see Oz? Dawn is nothing without decorum! Prinzessin der Verurteilung shan't not be agog with this opportunity! Let us delight in the abstruse quality of the ever-shining orb of darkness!"

Oz deeply sighed, "I know you're restless at night but just ten minutes and we'll be back on foot." Oz inspected its two feet, "And talons as well. A bird can't catch a break?"

"Beads of sweat from the aloof and picayune cause great insult to my fate." she talked back, pointing a finger at Oz.

"Gah! Let me rest!"

"H-help me!"

Fischl and Oz's mood swiftly shifted when they had heard the scream directly south from their direction. Knowing formation and a battle plan already being concocted, they stormed right into the heart of the problem,.

Electro Cicin mages cornered a teenage boy in their grasp, the echoing laughs becoming sinister as they encircled the young boy menacingly.

Fischl emerged out of the bushes, posing and releasing out her powers. "For thy sinners! It is I! Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Sovereign of Immernachtreich, the lustrous, indomitable judge of the execrable!"

"She means to say she'll take you down," Oz repeated her words.

It didn't take Fischl a second to pour out her arrows into battle.

One by one, the mages synchronized, their magic unbecoming and devoid of life. Swarms of flying electro cicin flew above their heads causing a normal person to nauseate before the gloomy yet bursting ray of elemental power.

Pulling the string back was music to Fischl's ears like she had been strumming a wind instrument all this time. She reveled in her own little world of music. Her battling style was completely divergent from her melodious singing inside her head but it linked astonishingly well in a fight.

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