Lisa's Fruitless Day

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Lisa Mince was a gutsy woman in the pursuit of luxuriant knowledge. Especially those regarding documents and historical tragedies that were deemed scarce. Having immense memory and fabulous conciseness over the littlest details, the average Mondstadt citizen is led to believe the woman cannot be questioned until otherwise. 

Then when they equip themselves with magnifying glasses scratching the most abrasive surfaces in a four-dimensional room, they'd later find out the knowledgeable woman had a, lack for a better word, lackadaisical nature to her. She wagged her hips seductively, spoke with a degree of maturity and playfulness that it was hard to be serious with her the first time you saw her.

Now she was in the library, as she always frequents it like how drunkards and burly old men visit the local tavern. She is the custodian after all.  She'd rather engross herself in a book that was a thousand pages long than operate like how the Knights of Favonius do. Straightforwardness and simplicity wasn't her headline. 

Inevitably, she faintly sniffed the newsprint she was holding in hand; destroying every single word that was considered murky by average folk. The bookshelves were gathering dust at all four cardinal directions but there was something aromatic about them that made the place a true archive of knowledge. To Lisa, the scent was enough to make her undergo a state of delight.

Always being here encouraged her to appreciate information more.

"L-lisa! Please evacuate from the library! Pronto!" Paimon's youthful but screeching voice laid the room's eternal silence into garbage and waste. 

She floated here for a purpose. Lisa would offer her a grasshopper penalty if her excuse for screaming was valid. A grasshopper meant nothing was going to happen. 

"Oh my... What arose in your hut?" Lisa asked.

Paimon's cheeks were red from the speed she gambled for in floating. Dashing madly from Mondstadt's iron wall gates to one of the sub-quarters in Jean Gunnhildr's territory was barbarous given the amount of obstacles. Numerous lefts and rights, getting past the plaza and marching all the way to her specifically can be accomplished by anyone. Paimon just had to exhaust herself.

"It's... Hah... It's Aether!" Paimon shrieked, his name a curse more than a blessing at the moment. She nevertheless went aboard on explaining to Lisa more about a recurring predicament in-depth. "Paimon, Aether, and Venti were just casually hanging out near Starfell Lake. Venti excitingly suggested a song to sing for us when we came back from a dangerous journey and for some reason, his song was an ancient ballad that hypnotizes people's hearts!" 

"That sounds wonderful!" Lisa exclaimed, more interested in the hypnotic song than Paimon's radiating concerns. "Is it possible for that charmingly young bard to instruct someone like me?" 

"No... No... No... Paimon's gotta tell you why Paimon came to you instead of Jean!" Paimon scratched her hair, "Gah! Even Diluc could've been viable but you just had to be the target! Goodness, this is making Paimon's head spin!" 

"Ah yes. Even if this situation were completely unrelated for me, I do believe I owe Aether more than a dozen for all he's done in Mondstadt." Lisa was still curious why Paimon went to her. She wasn't hardworking in the frontlines, after all. She preferred being discreet with her strategies and movements when she set out.

"What is going on with Aether?"

"He's under this trance thinking you're his girlfriend!" 

"Oh my! Songs really do move the heart!" Lisa chuckled.

Lisa could only laugh at that. Of all things, she just had to be the one who was subject in a song persuading people's minds. Aether was also the first person she'd been with on a date so the two weren't exactly new around the whole relationship fiasco. It was a get-together rather than anything romantic. 

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