Nilou Loves to Dance

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It had already been night;  a black sky with topaz scattered throughout a stereotypical evening. Bathed in the silvery glow of the full moon, I twirled (hopefully graceful) upon the dew-kissed grass, wishing my movements to be dubbed worthy and fluid as the gentle breeze caressed my skin. 

The attire I had always worn seemed to come alive with each step, each sequence as if it were my last dying breath, mimicking the dance of the night's shadows. Definite and significantly existent. While I did think I was talented, there was never an excuse to skip practicing. And so here I was all alone, the sound of cicadas and the entirety of life swarming my hearing. 

Sumeru would always be my home but sometimes I needed a place for myself. To breathe and reflect on my actions for the day. It helped that meditating alone really did make me focus. 

On the matter at hand, as someone who enjoys the art of dance, I was vastly interested in other interpretations towards the field I've come to love. Thankfully, Sumeru wouldn't exclude all forms of knowledge so long as they contain fundamental substance, a belief worth knowing. While the nation was packed with all sorts of it, I found it ironic at times that the Akademiya would deem so many things inconsequential. 

So, when I saw a person approach me and ask what style of dance I was doing, I felt like he saw through my concerns of dance bearing so little importance in the eyes of those who seriously study. 

His golden hair caught my eye, radiating a warm glow that looked like it mimicked the sun's embrace. Each strand danced playfully around his head, untamed and unruly but funny-looking and vibrant. His tan complexion spoke of days spent in the great outdoors, his overall appearance having an exotic allure with the clothes he wore bearing a symphony of style and confidence despite its raggedy state. His aura yelled out a jazzy vibe.

"You dance here often?" he asked. He appeared like a ghost, his footsteps extinct and faded until his presence felt real in this moment.

What was I supposed to say other than tell him directly? I didn't know him but I'd been taught to be kind to anyone I meet, regardless of their nature.

"Unfortunately, it's only been a few times that I've come here. But dancing is what I do for a living." I should ask for his name in this situation, probably?

I shook my head internally. Or maybe that's rude and I should introduce myself first. He looked to be a foreigner, based on how differently dressed he was. Whatever outfit he'd been going for, he certainly did seem like a free-spirited individual. 

"Oh. My manners, right... I'm Zen. If you couldn't tell, I kinda dig dancin' too. I heard Sumeru's got a pretty cool female dancer around these parts. I was hoping to meet her to gauge the talent she possesses. Heard she's quite the watch." 

"It is nice to meet you. I'm Nilou. Um... There are a number of dancers in Sumeru so if you could be more specific, I'd gladly try to find her for you." No one ever came to this spot except me. I must've been making a lot of noise with my feet shuffling.

He chuckled, scratching his cheek with his index finger. "Well, she's got red hair."

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