𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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After being barked orders to redress and convene into their room, Taehyung discussed the nighttime protocol. Two soldiers that went through training and had been there for a bit longer than the newbies, would sleep in the room with them and take turns guarding the outside of their room as well as the inside every twenty minutes to make sure the boys were sleeping. This was considered night duty. 

San felt uncomfortable like he couldn't even be at ease while he slept. Who fucked up before now and made it so they couldn't even sleep peacefully?

Seonghwa stood at attention next to him, providing him some comfort since Hwa was someone who could understand and relate to him, the two already having a fairly strong bond.

When Taehyung went on to state matter of factly that they wouldn't be getting much sleep so they should appreciate every minute they get, San suddenly wished his parents had been tougher on him before he came there. He had a habit of sleeping in whenever he could, which resulted in him missing a few of his college classes. One would think he had an advantage with his brother being a soldier and all but nobody can prepare themselves for the life of a soldier.

Wooyoung thought it was nonsense that their leader would need to explain something they should already know. It's no secret that they'd be getting the bare minimum of sleep. This is the military. With those thoughts turning through his mind, he rolled his eyes.

"Am I wasting your time, tattoo boy?" A strong hand picked Wooyoung up by the collar, confusion written all over Wooyoung's face. San, too scared to even laugh, took a deep breath, reminding himself why he was here in the first place. Showing any signs of fear meant bad news for his reputation and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint Kai and his parents. Straightening his posture a little bit he watched the scene from his peripherals.

"I think we're going to make an example out of you. How does that sound?" Wooyoung didn't care to be pushed around, but something told him it was better to let Taehyung have the upper hand, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot with their soldier in charge. After being released to the ground again and regaining his footing, Wooyoung commented "Sure thing," trying to show his respect but judging by the collective gasp from the boys watching the scene go down, it didn't come across that way.

The lead soldier responded by slugging Wooyoung right square between his eyes, this time earning no audible reaction from anyone, not even Wooyoung who was then keeled over covering his face. San was too frigid to even gasp, and Seonghwa's fingers grasped onto his wrist for comfort. San managed to flash a quick smile, ensuring he was fine.

"Stand up," Taehyung barked out roughly and glared down at him.

"Sir?" Taehyung turned around quickly to meet the boy who just dared to speak out of turn. Wooyoung slowly got up and blinked a few times, never expecting to get hit, the color somewhat fuzzy as he came to full senses.

"Are you feeling jealous?" Taehyung said to the boy that decided to speak up. "By the end of these five weeks, I better not hear a peep from any of you. Stop acting like a bunch of fucking toddlers. Got it?" He practically bitch slapped the boy who spoke and said to the two more experienced soldiers, "Report to me if you have any trouble in here," before exiting the room in a fury as the boys fearfully saluted him, not once breaking posture until he was out of sight, some staying that way for longer in fear he'd come back.

San couldn't help but notice how hot the other looked when he got angry, his eyes flashing a dangerous fire that honestly made San dizzy. He shook the untimely thoughts from his head and began to look down at the troublemaker next to him.

Wooyoung slumped down onto his flat after the door finally shut, groaning so that only San and the few people around him could hear.

"You could at least do me a favor and stop fucking looking at me." He snapped, catching San's intent stare, and San quickly turned to face Seonghwa.

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