𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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Taehyung led San back out to the field where he spotted his group filing out and lining up. It was only 9:00 am, the day dragging along slowly. The stretching had been tiring enough but the actual training was about to begin. 

San took his usual position, Seonghwa opening his mouth to ask questions but closing it when he saw the threatening look from Taehyung who stood ready to demonstrate their lesson for the day. 

Marching, which didn't sound too bad. San thought It'd be a piece of cake before he realized all that it entailed.

He'd noticed the soldiers walking stiffly around him wherever they went in a strict manner with their legs and arms straightened respectfully and apparently they were expected to go around like that whenever they were in public...so basically everywhere except for the room where they slept and the bathroom.

Taehyung demonstrated the correct way to stand, how high to lift the legs and arms, and where to properly place their feet. The footwork was by far the most difficult. The placements designated each turn and if done incorrectly it looked sloppy and one risked stumbling over and getting a face full of dirt.

San continuously kept tripping over his feet until Taehyung, who was walking around correcting and helping them, slipped his hands onto the boy's waist to place him back into position, personally guiding him through the movements while San tried to hide the rush it gave him.

Also finding the movements to be difficult, Wooyoung watched Taehyung helping San, trying to pick up the tips that he knew he wouldn't get one on one help with. As he continued watching, he picked up on some weird vibes but tossed the thoughts aside to focus on his training.

"Make sure your salute is straight with your fingertips touching the edge of your eyebrow. Do it properly," Taehyung spoke seriously in his deep voice, ensuring the others could look to San for help and know he was correct.

When San became more comfortable with the movements and looked stable, Taehyung, in a low whisper said, "Well done San," and moved on to help the rest of the struggling boys.

The actions didn't go unnoticed.

"Did you and our leader have a bonding session or what? When did he become so nurturing? Is nurturing the right word?" Seonghwa, trying to follow the steps next to San, questioned with a confused look.

San's body still shivered from Taehyungs touch. He shrugged at Seonghwa, also unknowing of the answer. "I wouldn't call him nurturing but he's definitely good at what he does."

"And what does he do?" Seonghwa chuckled suggestively.

San swatted his arm. "You know what I mean asshole."

After practicing with Taehyung's help, they were put into smaller groups of 5 to practice with each other for two hours straight. Along with two other boys that he hadn't familiarized himself with, San was grouped with Wooyoung and Seonghwa.

Upon being put in a group with the two boys he hated the most, Wooyoung closed his eyes and took a breath before making his way over. God is really too unfair, he thought to himself. Two hours with those dummies might drive him mad.

"Your legs aren't straight enough Wooyoung." San grabbed his leg and tugged it straighter, Wooyoung kicking him away violently.

"Don't make me hurt you. I'll make sure the next time I get pushed around because of you, I either make you bleed or truly knock your lights out." Wooyoung referenced being yanked around earlier by Taehyung because of San's little joke.

Seeing him previously in action, San knew there was a good chance Wooyoung could bloody him up, and positive that Wooyoung wasn't a bluffer, he backed off.

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