𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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The endless sound of turning pages could be heard throughout the room as each soldier flipped through a thick booklet full of in-depth questions they were required to fill out. San groggily filled out the questions, still trying to pull himself together after being forced out of his sleep by Taehyung's thunderous shouts, followed by a loud siren, to get up and get dressed that morning. 

Pulling his body off of the flat and pulling on his uniform in the early morning while being timed proved to be a real challenge that he dreaded having to do again. Not only that, but he was in charge of making sure everyone else followed as well. Seonghwa had been one of the few that slept through the loudness, getting his blanket ripped off and thrown at him.

Waking at sunup was nothing new to Wooyoung, who usually got up at the same time his grandmother did every day and ate breakfast with her before going to work. As of now, his condition was better than any other boy there and as soon as he heard their dog-like leader barking orders, he sprung up and changed before standing in a salute, earning a look of satisfaction from Taehyung. The recognition felt good, boosted his ego.

A zombie that looked a lot like San, then led the group to breakfast, Wooyoung grimacing at him yawning and blinking sleepily, eyes only half-opened.

How could he act like such a little kid in a place like this?

At least Wooyoung got the advantage of eating without hearing San's annoying voice. San ate in silence, his eyes shut, multitasking between eating and napping. The morning would've been perfect for Wooyoung had the food been better. These soldiers couldn't make anything edible to save their lives. Wooyoung hoped their battle skills were more reliable. He didn't think it was possible to fuck up meat but the sausage was oily and left a bad taste in his mouth, plus the kimchi's taste and texture reminded him of rubber. The only food they could count on was the rice, which San shoveled into his mouth slowly, attempting to trick himself into being full, thinking if he ate slowly it might seem like he ate more but he had been wrong, seeing as though his tummy was only half full as he sat with his legs crisscrossed filling out his papers.

Wooyoung leaned up against the shelves behind him in a mood, disliking the fact that he had to basically write down every detail of his life. There was no reason that the military needed to know what his parents did for a living...who the fuck cares? Was he just supposed to write nothing since they were dead?

While Wooyoung pondered that question, San had gotten to a question asking if he was gay or straight. These were some nosy assed documents. They had worded it so weirdly too like they felt uncomfortable asking it directly or even typing the words. The question read, "Do you have an interest in the same gender?" Jesus. San could imagine some dirt old military official typing out the question and being like, 'Hmmm, how do we ask this question without being offensive? We can't have gays running wild around here so we have to put this question in...but we can't just come out and ask if they are horny for guys so let's write it so it seems less gay.' The corner of San's mouth lifted into a grin, amusing himself with the ridiculous scenario playing in his head. After giving it one last thought, San decided to lie...there's no way they could prove it. Right? He flipped to the next page deciding what's done was done, content with his decision. If the other boys found out they might treat him weird since they had no choice but to change clothes and shower together.

San felt a hard flick on his forehead and looked up from the document to see Wooyoung crouched down in front of him.

"Pay attention!" Wooyoung said impatiently, after calling San's name repeatedly. "I have to use the bathroom so go tell our lead soldier."

The military leaders had made it clear that the soldiers weren't allowed to go anywhere without asking first, ensuring their whereabouts were always known. If the rules weren't followed, the whole group would receive a punishment.

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