𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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When Wooyoung didn't answer him, San tried again while scraping some shampoo through his hair.

"Was toda-"

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Wooyoung exhaled, and San paused in the middle of enthusiastically scrubbing his hair with shampoo to eye the other incredulously.

In the same breath, Wooyoung questioned, "Are you that dumb you can't even figure out when you're being ignored?" It wasn't as much a question as it was an insult, and his voice came out forceful and demeaning even though he acted as if it was just your everyday chitchat, casually continuing to shower as he continued slashing mercilessly into San with his flippant remarks.

"Piss off already. Didn't think I needed to spell it out," His words carried that signature cold bite to them, so much so that San could have sworn the steaming water pouring over him had been affected and gone tepid. 

Wooyoung was apparently letting it all out today.

San's jaw began to ache, and he eventually realized he'd been clenching it. He'd done his very best to be understanding and patient with this asshole today, and, as of now, he was feeling a little bitter about that. No, scratch that, Wooyoung was starting to genuinely frustrate him—as usual.

His eyebrows squeezed together in irritation as he said in his calmest voice, "All I did was ask about your fucking workday, Woo-"

"It was perfect, San—best fucking day of my life," Wooyoung seethed, thick sarcasm washing over his words, even letting out a minor scoff as he drug his strong hands back through his mass of shampooed hair, rinsing the suds out until the sleek black strands shone through again.

Even after all the shampoo was out, Wooyoung stood there letting the water rush over him, working on composing himself again so he wouldn't completely flip out on the now sour-faced San next to him.

"That's what you're gonna do?" San questioned him in disbelief. He couldn't help the impatience in his voice. Wooyoung playing tough was starting to drive him up the wall.

Wooyoung could see the frustration brimming in San's eyes when he flicked his own eyes that way briefly, frustrated himself that San was still talking to him. He didn't think he'd ever met someone so damn pushy.

"What's the problem, San?" Wooyoung exclaimed in frustration, even though he didn't really care about the answer. His tolerance for San, not starting with much in the first place, was practically at zero, and that was fairly evident, but he tried to play it off, stroking his hands through his hair again, guiding the invisible bubbles out that had gone down the drain a while ago.

"The problem is you," San responded back bluntly, making Wooyoung roll his eyes as San went on to elaborate, "standing there putting on some kind of tough act like you always do as if one drop of emotion might make you less of a man."

"Where'd you get that one, a daytime drama? You think you know it all, don't you?" The words left Wooyoung in a low humorless chuckle as he turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

San did the same and followed him to the locker room, heavy silence falling over them as they changed into their shorts and tees.

The tension in the room had become thick, pouring over them like a second shower.

The only sounds echoing through were the squeaking of lockers as they pulled stuff out to change into, Wooyoung borrowing from a locker that held extras. He was familiar with how this locker room worked since every sector was set up identically with the same system.

Wooyoung sat opposite San on the long bench between the lockers. 

With their backs to each other, Wooyoung was easily able to ice San out as he slipped on some shoes and simultaneously towel-dried his hair, standing up afterward and chucking the towel into a large hamper.

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