Part 3

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2 days after day of party

I woke up toke a shower got dressed then brushed my teeth. Then I ate breakfast then I went through my phone then. I got a message from Charlotte telling she was here. So I went out side and got in the car then we went to pick up Amelia.

Then we went to school then we got there I saw Kai not kissing the same girl from two days ago but I wish It was me. Then I went to my locker I got my bocks then we all went to English we were talking about boys then the teacher called on me about what we are doing but I didn't now the answer so I just sat there.

Skip to lunch

When we got to the cafeteria I saw Kai kissing the same girl that he was kissing when I walked in the school I was kinda Jealous. When we got to our usual spot to eat we started to talk about the party that is today.

E-well we can get ready at my house
C- that's a great idea
A- are we going to pick us up
E- well we are going to go shopping first then go to my house
A- that's the best idea
End of conversation

The bell ringed then I went to math at lest we had a substitute teacher so we didn't have to do class to day so we watch a movie and we could have our phones out so me and the girls talked about how dumb the movie was. Then the bell ring so we enemy to are next class

Skip 2 classes

I went to my last class of the day witch was reading the ok class of the day except math is the worst . When I got there I saw Kai but at lest there was no girl by him or kissing him. I went to my desk the teacher said that we had to read for 20 Minutes but I like to read so that's ok. When we where done we had to Wright about that there was 2 love interest and she picks the bad boy and she changes the bad boy.

After class I went to my locker got my stuff and went to my car then i saw that Charlotte and Amelia was already there so we got in the car. Then we went to the mall to get new clothes for the party I got a black dress, Charlotte got a gold dress and Amelia got a sliver dress. We paid then we went to my house to get ready.

When we got home we all toke showers then we blow dried our hair. Then I did everyone's makeup then we put on our make up.
The outfits and make up will be in the next part.

Thanks for reading

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