Emily fox was just 17 when she found out she was pregnant by Kai Parker.
Emily fox was not a popular kid but she was rich and the only people that know that where her two best friends. Two best friends name are Amelia and Charlotte they did everyth...
2 days later Emily's POV Today I'm 20 weeks and 2 days pregnant so to day me and my mom are going to get stuff for the nursery because my due date is June 24 on a Thursday. So that is why we need to get the nursery done. So that is why we need to get stuff for the nursery. I took a shower then I got ready then I went and said are you rowdy to go to my mom and she said yes. First we went to pottery barn and I found these beautiful cribs that are white. The crib
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I really loved the white of the cribs and just how they look. Then we when and got to changing table. I really love this changing table it looked like it would be good for a boy and a girl together.
the changing table
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I really love it. It looks like just like a dresser but it's not. Then we went and looked for a car seat for the twins. The car seats we got 2 of them
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I was really worried because I didn't know what car seat was good but I think this one is good for 2 years of there live then we well get new ones. Then we looked for a rocking chair for when they get fussy and so I can breastfeed them. The rocking chair
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I picked these one I thought it was cute. Then we ordered everything and then me and my mom paid for everything it well be here in two weeks. Then we went out to eat. ———————— when we got home I went to my room and got changed and then FaceTime Kai and told him what i got at the tore that me and mom when today. Then we talked for about and hour. Then he had to go and do something so we said good bye and I said love you and he said it back then we hanged up then I went to bed. —————————- Today me and Kai are going on a date witch I'm so excited about I got ready in This
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I really loved this dress and how it looked. I really hope Kai likes it. We have been dating for 2 mouth, I know it's not a lot, but I really think I love Kai I know it's really dumb that I love Kai but we made love and we got 2 babies out of it witch I'm so happy for and I'm just ready for them to be born so I can hold them and cuddle them and love them like a mother is suppose do. ———————————- Kai text me and told me he was here so I went outside and went to the car and got in and I said hi to him but he didn't say It he was trying to kiss him so I kissed him. Then we Went to this fancy restaurant that is my favorite restaurant every, they have the best pasta every and I have been craving pasta sine a few weeks ago. So we whent in and we got seated and then the waiter said what do you want to drink and Kai said a Dr Pepper and I said a lemonade. Then the waiter gave us our drinks, then he asked what we wanted to eat I said fettuccine Alfredo and Kai got a steak and then we ate, then Kai paid i tried to pay but Kai said he would pay, then we went to his house and we went to bed together. ———————— It seems short but I think it is because Of the picture that I added, Thanks for reading I hope you like it, thanks for over 1900 reads I really appreciated.