Part 5

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Emily's POV
When I woke up I didn't know where I was I was in a completely different room. my head was throbbing because of how much I drink last night. When I was looking to see you beside me it was Kai OMG I SLEPT WITH KAI I screamed and he woke up.

K- I sleep with you
E- why do you say it like it's a bad thing
K- it's not a bad thing it just I'm a player
E- I don't care if your a player
K- do you know it's just a one night stand
E- I thought you actually like me but ok
End of conversation

Emily's POV
I got dressed really fast then I called Charlotte to tell her to met me at my house I have to tell her something she said ok. When I went home she was already there  I told her that I slept with Kai and that he said that it was a one night stand and I was about to cry when she said did he use protection and I said I don't thing so why if he didn't use protection you might have a baby in 9 months but you can't tell on tell you are like 2 weeks pregnant

Omg I might be pregnant with Kai Parker baby. Then I cried because I didn't know how to take care of a baby and I didn't now if Kai should be a dad to the baby.

Kai's POV
When Emily left I felt bad that she liked me and I didn't now that so when I kissed Rebecca was she jealous or was she sad that I kissed some one else. I got dressed then I clean and woke up the people that were still in my house then the people left. Then i called Stefan to tell him to come to my house. He came and we went to my room to talk. I told him that i sleep with Emily and I told her it was a one night stand but I didn't know that  she would say that she liked me and then she left so what should I do. Well one did you use protection and I said now I hope she is on birth control. Should I talk to her and see if she is ok. Stefan said it was up to me to decide if I want to talk to her I really didn't want to talk to her and I want to be my self again but when we had sex it was the best sex that I had in a long time.

Emily's POV
When I woke up to my alarm going off to get up, so I went to take a shower. Then I ate breakfast then I said good bye to my mom. I got In my car and picked Charlotte and Amelia up for school. When I got to school I saw Kai kissing a girl I was really sad because I thought he liked me but I guess he doesn't and I thought it meant something to him like it did to me.

When I got to my first class witch is English we talked about the world war 1 that happened in July 28, 1918 and we had to do a essay about it. Then we could do any thing that we wanted to do so I talked to Charlotte and Amelia because they were in my class.

When lunch came along I wasn't really feeling good so i got an apple and a milk so I feel better. Charlotte ask me why I was only eating an apple I said that I wasn't feeling good.

After lunch  I went math we had to do algebra and Algebra is really hard. When I was done with algebra we could do anything that we want to do so I read. Good thing that Amelia was in my class I could talk to her

Skip 2 classes

When I got reading we had to read a article and write about it then when we were done we had to read. When we where done I went home and I took a nap and ate dinner and when to bed.


Pregnant by Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now