Part 15

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2 days after
Emily's POV
To say is my last day of school because I'm going to start online school for the next 20 weeks, my mom says it well be good to stay home and get ready for the babies but I'm kinda said because I want be able to see my friends. So I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair then I went to my closet and pick this out.
Emily's outfit/ just pretend there is a baby bump

Then I went down stairs and said goodbye to my mom and went in my car, then I went to school, when I went to school I saw Kai I waved to him and he waved back then he did some symbol that mean to come here so I went to him

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Then I went down stairs and said goodbye to my mom and went in my car, then I went to school, when I went to school I saw Kai I waved to him and he waved back then he did some symbol that mean to come here so I went to him. He said hi and that he wants to talk to me after practice today he know that this is my last day of going to real school. We said bye to each other, then I went my locker and got my stuff for my next 3 class then went to my first class.
Skip 3 classes/ lunch
When I went in the lunch line to get lunch Charlotte and Amelia went by me and said they are going to eat lunch today, so we got lunch together we all kinda got the same thing like I got a fruit but they got a salad, we paid for our food and then went to sit down at the table that we usually sat at but Kai and his friends were there so we sat at the other said of the table. We where all in a deep conversation when Kai rudely asked what we where talking about and I said nothing that resolve about you. Geez you don't have to be so mean Kai said, I wasn't trying to be I said, then he left I still wanted to know what he wanted to talk about. After lunch we all went to our last 3 classes.
After school
I went up to Kai and said when are we going to go and talk, we can go right now to my house he said, so we went to his house.
K-Kai E-Emily
E- so what do you want to talk about
K- well I want me and you to be together
E- really I would love to be in a relationship with you but do you thing it to fast to be in a relationship
K- well yes I think it's really fast but I want to be with you
E- well if i say yes we have to start out slow and I want to tell people in 1 month.
K- ok so is that is a yes
E- yes
Then we kissed and made out for 2 minutes straight
I was so happy because me and Kai where going to be a couple. I really hope this relationship works out because I really like Kai and we are going to have kids together. Kai had to go home but before he went home he gave me a kiss. Then I went to eat some supper then took a shower then went to bed I was so happy that I feel a sleep when i but my head on my pillow.
Thanks for reading I hope you like it thanks for over 1,500 reads I really appreciate it.
do you think Kai and Emily got in a relationship to fast.

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