Part 9

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Skip 5 weeks

Emily's POV
I am now 10 weeks pregnant and today is another day of school, so I got up and took a shower and then brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror and saw that I had a bump, then ate my breakfast then got in my car and drove to school.
At school

When I got to school I saw Kai kissing Rebecca and I was really sad because I really liked him but I guess he doesn't like me. I went to my locker and then Charlotte and Amelia went by my locker and said what was wrong I said well I'm sad that Kai is with Rebecca but I guess that's ok right, well I think it's not ok for you to be sad because it's not ok for the babies and you know that ok, Amelia said the we all went to class.
At lunch
When I got to lunch I got to the cafeteria and it felt like I was about puke so I ran so fast to the closes restroom that I could find. Then I went in to a stall and through up then I washed my hands then Rebecca came and told me to stay away from Kai, but I said that you can have him all to your self. Then I walked out of the restroom and when i was walking I looked through my bag for a mint or piece of gum and I found a piece of gum. Then I went to get my food. When I got to the table a saw Charlotte and Amelia looking at me and I said what are you looking at me like that and they said why where you late for lunch and I said that I didn't fill good and that Rebecca made me in a bad mood so that's it  and I ate my food in peace then went to my other classes.
After school
I was driving when I got the urge to call Kai and tell him if he wants to meet up and talk about what we are going to do about the babies when the are here and all that stuff. When Kai answered it wasn't Kai it's was a girls voice like Rebeccas and I said can I talk to Kai and she said sure but I didn't know that she had it on speaker phone so when I said hey Kai do  you want to go out eat and talk about the baby but  I only said one baby because I didn't know that she was on speaker so I only said one baby and I didn't want to tell people that it was twins, and he said not now maybe later. Then only like 5 minutes later Rebecca posted something on her Instagram that I was is pregnant and that she said that I was a s##t and a h##, this made me want to cry and cry for ever but I can't cry for ever because I have to be strong for my babies. I wanted to call Kai but I now that he would think the same things that Rebecca thought so I went to my house and eat supper then cried my self to sleep
Kinda sad chapter I hoped you liked it and I appreciate it that you are reading this book

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