Part 12

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Emily's POV
My mom and my best friends are planing my gender reveal party and it will take place next Sunday and I'm really happy because I just really want to now what the babies are going to be and so I can start the nursery, my mom and best friends got kinda all the stuff. What we are going to do for the gender revel is that me and him will pop one each to see the babies genders.
I was going to call some of my family to see if they want to come to see what I'm having a lot of my mom family know that I'm have babies and they are not mad they are just disappointed at me because I could have went  to collage had a good job but I had babies that I'm really happy about and I was going to finish high school then maybe go to college. So I called my grandma and grandpa and they said they will come for the gender reveal party. Then I called my aunt and uncles that I'm close with and they said that they will come to then I called some people from school that I'm friends with and they said she.
Then my mom asked if I wanted to go out to eat and I said sure, we got Chick-fil-A then we when to get ice cream the went home.
Kai's POV
When I broke up with Rebecca I was really happy because so I can have Emily but I know that she is mad at me because I was with Rebecca and I could tell that she was jealous but I broke up with Rebecca so that's great, I was going to call Emily to see if we could tall somewhere,
Kai-K       Emily-E
K- hey Emily I just wanted to know if your mom is doing a gender reveal party for you and if I was going to get invited
E- hey Kai and yes my mom is doing a gender reveal party for me and of course you are invited these are your babies to.
K- ok thanks for the invite when is the gender reveal party.
E- well its next  Sunday and it's going to be at 2 o'clock.
K- ok thanks and at your house or somewhere else.
E- well it's going to be at my house and is Rebecca coming because if she is can she not come.
K- well that's good that's at your house and no Rebecca will not be at the party because me and her broke up.
E-ok well that's sad that you broke up with her but I hope that you are happy that you broke up with her
K- well I am happy that I broke up with her and thanks for inviting me and bye Emily
E- bye Kai.
Then she hanged up.
Emily's POV
I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or sad that Kai and Rebecca broke up I mine I'm happy because I want me and him to be together but I don't know if he wants to be with me but I hope he does. When I was done think to my self I took a shower and then eat and when to bed.
What do you guess what the babies o be
Comment  your guess
Thanks for reading and thanks for 800 read I dint think people would actually read this book so thanks and I really appreciate.

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