Emily fox was just 17 when she found out she was pregnant by Kai Parker.
Emily fox was not a popular kid but she was rich and the only people that know that where her two best friends. Two best friends name are Amelia and Charlotte they did everyth...
Skip 2 weeks Emily's POV For the past 2 weeks I have been thinking about getting a new car, well one because so it can be easier to but the babies in there car sets in the car and so when they get older they have room in the car. So today me and Kai are going to go to a few dealer ships today to look for a SUVS or Minnie vans, and when I'm 30 weeks mom says I can move to the family vacation house with Kai if he wants, so it can be like me and Kai's house, but she is going to visit every week and that's going to be great, then I got ready ready to look for cars Outfit
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When I got ready Kai was ready to go, so we got in the car, first dealership we went to was a Chevy one and there was a lot of SUVS that I loved Kai didn't really care but I really liked this one
The car
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so we got this one and we really liked it so we got it, it was 20,000 dollars and we paid the car dealer but we still had to do paper work, Kai was going to drive the car to my house and I was going to drive my old car, when we got to the house my mom was so happy and surprised for me and that made me happy, we put the cars in the garage and then went inside to eat something to eat. Then I went to take a shower then Kai went to take a shower and I just laid down and waited for Kai to get done with his shower, when he was done we went to bed. ————————————— THE NEXT DAY Emily's POV Today is my fourth doctor appointment for the twins, I am 24 weeks but I can go in today because when I'm 36 weeks the doctor said I can have the babies when I'm 36 weeks, so I got ready
The outfit
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this is what I wore, me and Kai went to the SUV and left for for the doctors office, when we got there I had to sign in so I signed in, then we waited for my name to be called then the doctor said my names so we went in one of the rooms, and the doctor wanted to do the ultrasound right away to see if the babies have grown some more, so the babies have grown some, the doctor said, so I still want you to have the baby when you are 36 weeks and if you have contractions when you are 30-34 weeks please go to the hospital because the babies could come early but that could be ok and not ok but I think they won't come when you are 30-34 weeks because they are growing so much and that is good, the doctor said, so you mean that the babies could come early but they could not because they are growing very good, I said, yes will do you have any other questions for me or for the babies, the doctor said, nope I think I'm good, I said, well I well see you when you are 30 weeks pregnant, the doctor said, ok thanks and bye, I said, then we walked out of the room and I sign out and set up my next appointment for when I'm 30 weeks pregnant. Then we decided to go home and eat some lunch. Then I went to go take a nap. ________________ Thanks for reading, thanks for over 2,500 reads I really appreciate it, If you have any twin names can you please comment them if you want, thanks