Part 25

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Skip 2 days
Emily's POV

In the past few days I have been having small contractions which I think are just Braxton Hicks but they haven't gone away sense I haven't gone away so I'm think I'm going to be in labor soon which  I'm scared about and also happy about.
Skip a few hours/ 5 o'clock in the afternoon
It's been a few hours and when I was walking to the bath room I thought I peed my pants but I have never peed my pants sense I was little. So I have to be in labor. So I yelled for Kai to get the hospital bag because we are going to have the baby. So we went in the car and Kai drove to the hospital, when we got there some one was there  to help us get in and give us a room. When we got to the room I asked Kai to call my mom to tell her I'm going to have the babies to day. Kai said that my mom and dad were on there way and he also said what hospital room is 601 which is weird because today is June 1st. The doctor checked me out and I was 5 centimeters dilated but I have to be 10 dilated to have the babies witch I'm scared because when they are born everything will be different but it's exciting at the same time.
Skip 30 minutes
My mom and dad came just when I had a contraction and that was my 5th contraction sense they haven't been here, the doctor came and checked on me and I was 8 Centimeters dilated so I meet have the babies in and hour or so and right know it's 6:30. We waited and I had 2 contraction Sense the doctor came in. So I had to be almost ready to have these babies. The doctor came in and said that I'm ready to push and it was 7:30 so it was like and hour already passed when was the last time the doctor game to check up on me, the doctor wanted me to push when I had another contraction so when I had a contraction, when I had the contraction I started to push and I started to hear a little cry and it was my baby girl and me and Kai had already had a name for her and it was going to be Emmalynn Elizabeth Parker, it was a really Beautiful name and I thought it would fit perfectly for her and she would grow up to be a strong girl. Next the doctor said that we have to get the other baby out so, when my next contraction hit the doctor said to push, so I pushed and I started to hear a Little cry and it was my baby boy and Kai and me had already had a name for him and it was going to be Kohen Lee Parker,  it was an amazing name for a handsome boy like him. When the nurses where done giving the the babies a small bath one of them  gave me Emmalynn and then another one gave kohen to Kai, I was happy and blessed that I had my babies here with me.
When I was done holding the babies I had to let them go because my mom and dad wanted to hold then and I was getting really sleepy so they wanted me to take a nap until the babies needed to eat, when I was a wake one nurse came into the room to show me how to breastfeed the babies so I can get to know it because I don't think I'm going to have the babies have bottles until they are older, so she help me and then she left and I said thank you. Me and the babies are supposed to leave the hospital in 3 days, so when we all get out they will have a newborn photo shoot so they can remember when they where newborn and we well have so much memories of them as a baby and as adults.
Thanks for reading hope you liked it, thanks for over 3,700 reads I really appreciate, I really hope that you like the names I was trying to do unique names, I hope you liked,

Pregnant by Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now