Emily fox was just 17 when she found out she was pregnant by Kai Parker.
Emily fox was not a popular kid but she was rich and the only people that know that where her two best friends. Two best friends name are Amelia and Charlotte they did everyth...
Skip 2 days Emily's POV Today is the babies 1 month photoshoot so we all are going to the photographer that did there newborn photos. So I changed emmalynn's diaper then kohen's diaper then I pick them a cute outfit for them, they are going to do separate photo then they are going to do one together. So we are going to her house to do the photos because she has all the stuff that she needs at her house. So we got the babies in the car and went to her house. When we got there we did Emmalynn's picture first, then kohen picture then them together with kinda matching clothes. Emmalynn's picture
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Kohens Picture
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Emmalynn and kohen together
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Then she edit then and made us this
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witch is so cool and amazing. I think I want her to do this every time we do the month photo. We where done so we paid her and made an appointment for August's 3rd. Then we went out to eat, the food was good then we went home and I breastfeed the babies then burp them, then change there diapers then they took a nap. Then me and Kai started to watch a show called Manifest which I thought was a good show but then we had to pause the show because the babies where crying so I change there diaper and then breastfeed them again, then we went in to the living room and me and Kai just cuddled with the babies and watched the show all together. ———— It was 6:00 and it's usually the time that I make dinner for me and Kai, so I made chicken Fried rice with vegetables, I told Kai that supper was ready and we sat at the dinner table and ate supper and talked about our day. Then when we where done with dinner I took the plates and clean them then but them in the dishwasher. Then Kai had the babies so I picked up one of them which was Emmalynn and i breastfeed her then I gave Emmalynn to Kai then I picked up Kohen and i breastfeed him and then me and Kai gave the babies a bath then we but them to bed then I went in to the bathroom to take a shower then me and kai went to bed. ———————— thanks for reading, hope you like it, Thanks for over 5,400 reads I really appreciate.