Emily fox was just 17 when she found out she was pregnant by Kai Parker.
Emily fox was not a popular kid but she was rich and the only people that know that where her two best friends. Two best friends name are Amelia and Charlotte they did everyth...
2 month later Emily's POV Today I'm going to look for wedding dresses and bridesmaids dresses for Amelia and Charlotte. They already know that they where going to be my bridesmaids, because when we where in middle school and we told each other we would all be each other bridesmaids if we ever got married and I'm the first one to get married in our group.
I picked up the girls and my mom and we got to the wedding shop and we met a really nice lady to help me pick my wedding dress.
We looked for a lot of wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses. Then I found a really hot wedding dress that looks so amazing.
The wedding dress
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And the bridesmaids dresses Amelia's dress
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Charlottes dress
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The theme of my wedding is going to be a forest theme but the groom and groomsman will wear all black tux. We paid for the dress and I'm keeping mine at charlottes house so Kai doesn't see it.
When we were done doing dress shopping we went out to eat at panera bread we all got bread bowls.
We finished eating and I took Amelia and charlottes home. And me and my mom went to my house.
We got home and I went into the babies room to see if they are finally awake. They are 6 months today. Witch is almost a 1 years old. I'm so excited for them to turn 1 but I'm very scared because they are growing so much and they are almost about to skip drinking formula and eating real baby food.
They were finally awake so I took emmalynn out first and feed her then I took kohen out and feed him then I did there diapers. Then we went to the living room and watched some tv until Kai got home so we can make dinner together.
Skip to hours It was finally 5:30 when Kai got home from work I said hello to him and we kissed and then he went up stairs to change in to pajamas and we made dinner together.
Next day Kais Pov When I thought to day was going to be a good day it's starting to not be a good day. It is Emily's birthday today well to start of emmalynn and kohen wouldn't sleep until 2 in the morning. Then Emily started getting sick so I rubbed her back and then she went to bed then the babies wanted to eat at 5 o'clock in the morning so I had to wake up Emily and she wants feeling the greatest but she didn't pump her breast milk the other day so she has to breastfeed the baby's.
So she feed the baby's and she went back to bed and I took the baby's back to bed and I finally went to bed.
In the morning it was Emily's birthday she is turning 19 and I'm already 19 so it will be a fun day for her today. I hope she is feeling better then she was doing last night.
Well I went and see if the babies are up and they were up. So I picked both them up and did emmalynn's diaper and than Kohan's diaper. Then we went to the living room and I put them in there play pin and there are some stuff animals that they can snuggle with and they are 5 months so they can have stuff in there cribs now.
I went in to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and her. When I was done i went to our room and kissed her on the cheek and taped her on the shoulder to get up. She woke up and was so surprised that I made her breakfast. "Happy birthday baby" I said to her. "Well thank you love" she said. "Well what do you want to do for your birthday baby" I said to her. "Well we can go shopping and then I thing my mom wants use to go to her house" "ok well that's fine you just get ready and eat your breakfast I will be in the living room with the babies" I said to her.
Emily's POV That was so sweet of Kai to make me breakfast but I still have to feed the babies. So I finished my breakfast and went downstairs and feed the babies and they just wanted cuddle to so we both cuddled together on the couch.
It was now 12:30 we both were watching tv and cuddling on the couch. I thought about going to the zoo today. So we all got ready to go.
We drove 30 minutes to the blank park zoo. Emmelynn and Kohan where looking around everywhere in our arms. We saw the penguin, seals, dolphins, sharks, snakes, and little monkeys. It was now 2:30 and my mom want use to go to her house for supper.
So we drove 40 minutes to her house to eat supper. She gave me some gifts for my birthday and we all hanged out and watched a movie. At 8 30 we went home and went to bed.
I think this was my best birthday in a while. —————————————— Thanks for reading I know I haven't updated this book in a while but that's ok. I hope you liked this chapter.