Happy birthday to the tall marshmallow...

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"I'm really sorry Azumane. My flight got delayed. I don't think I can make it."

"It's fine. You didn't want to miss my birthday."

"Yeah. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine."




Asahi let out a small, dejected sigh. Of course, he was gonna miss Noya, but he couldn't control the flight times. Apparently, there had been a sudden holdup, and none of the planes could take off. So right now, across the world, Nishinoya was sitting in an airport terminal, impatiently waiting to catch the next plane to Japan.

The problem was, it just wouldn't be the same without his fiancé.

It was December thirty-first, and the former Karasuno volleyball club was setting up for a joint party for Asahi and Daichi's birthdays, and they threw in New Year's as well for the heck of it. Nishinoya had been visiting an old friend, who had just beaten cancer. He'd gone to celebrate with them, and promised he'd be back in time.

It was currently nine a.m., but Asahi had always liked setting everything up early, so that if anything went wrong, or he was missing something, there would be plenty of time to recover it.

But he couldn't recover the missing piece he really needed at the moment.

No, don't think about it. It'll only make you feel worse.

So he simply sat on the couch with a glass of champagne and a whole bunch of trashy reality television. Yes, it was 9am, and yes, he was really sad. But it was only one glass, and he filled it, like, three centimeters. And it was a champagne glass. He didn't want to ruin the party.

He looked at the glass in his hand for a second, then sighed and poured it down the sink without having a drop.

Right then, Suga invited himself inside, which he did really often for some reason.

"Hey, sad sack. Let's go."

"Go where."

Suga groaned melodramatically, rolled his eyes, dropped his posture, and grabbed Asahi by the arm. After walking down three flights of steps, he saw the silver-haired boy's car.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping."

"Did you just-"

"Just get in the fucking car."

Asahi got in the car. Suga got in the driver's seat and started driving.

"Don't think I didn't see that champagne glass on the counter."

"I didn't drink any of it."


"Really. I seriously considered it, though."


"You don't think I'm telling the truth."

"Oh wow, how did you know."

"You're really sarcastic today."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Teenage hormones got ya down?"

"Asahi, I'm twenty-three. And may I remind you that I'm older than you?"

"No, you may not."

"Ah, go fuck yourself."


"Oh look, we're here, what a plot convenience."

"I'm not even gonna ask."


Three hours later, they were back at Asahi's apartment, setting up some more.

Three more hours later, Daichi arrived to help with more last minute preparations.

Three more hours later, most of the team alumnis arrived.

Thirty minutes later, Hinata arrived.

And at eleven thirty, there was a knock on the door.

It was Noya.

"Hey babe! I paid someone like three hundred dollars for their Japan plane ticket and traded mine along with it. Sorry I couldn't tell you, the flight left ten minutes after I got the ticket. I had to pretend to be a teenager traveling alone, it was gross. So, uh..."

He laughed in an out of breath sort of way.

"Happy birthday...?"

Asahi couldn't respond. He was too busy giving his fiancé a huge hug.

"Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."


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