t w e n t y e i g h t

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A/N - There is a Friends reference in this chapter. Comment if you got it!

The mini volleyball practice didn't last long because Takeru had to leave, but he did say my sets were as good as Oikawa's — I didn't believe him one bit.

He smiles when we get to the front door. "Don't let Oikawa run you off like he did his last girlfriend. Did you know she broke up with him because he pla-"

Oikawa cuts him off by nudging him to the door. "Okay, time to go."

I giggle as Oikawa tries shutting Takeru up. He shrugs and waves his little hand. I love kids, most of the time.

We watch Takeru leave and then make our way back to Oikawa's room.

"So," I say after a minute. "Girlfriend broke up with you, huh?"

"That was weeks ago."

"I recall you telling me that you broke up with her."

He shifts his footing. "Why do you feel the need to do that?"

"Why'd she break up with you?"

"She wanted me to stop playing volleyball. I couldn't do it."

Guilt surges through me. That's exactly what I wanted a guy to do for me. But from the way Oikawa looks, I don't think he liked that. He looks almost sad.

"It would've never worked out anyway." He adds.


His eyes flash to mine for a moment before he falls on his bed and takes out his phone.

"What time do you have to go home?" He asks without taking his eyes off his phone. Obviously avoiding my question.

"My mom won't be home till the morning. I don't really have a time limit." I shrug and pretend to be interested in his bookshelf.

He takes his eyes off his phone, stares at me for a moment, and then perks up. "I'll be right back. Stay here and try not making a mess of my room."

"Where are you going?"

"To shower," His mouth opens to say something else, but he refrains. Instead, he smirks. "I'll be back."

I watch him walk out of the room and throw my head back.


It's almost an hour before I hear Oikawa get back. I texted Bokuto, but he hasn't responded. I've been on my phone mindlessly scrolling since then and it's been boring.

"Took you long enough. I was about to make sure you didn't drow-" I cut myself off when I look up from his bed. He's shirtless and his hair is all wet and messy.

He smiles with a little tease involved. "You were worried about me?"

"I didn't say I was worried." I roll my eyes and quickly take my eyes off his chest before he notices and says something to annoy me.

"Sureee," He smirks and walks over to his desk. I watch through the corner of my eye and outline his back.

His very muscular back.

I watch as he picks up a sleeveless shirt and throws it up and down pretending it's a volleyball. He really is obsessed.

"So you would never give up the game for someone?"

He hesitates a moment but his answer seems final. "No." He spins around and his eyes meet mine. "Volleyball is my entire life."

"That's kind of sad, don't you think?"

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