e i g h t e e n

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After ice cream, Bokuto and I make our way back to the gym. We hear a ball bouncing around. When we get closer, we see Oikawa.

He's playing around with Iwaiziumi.

"A little higher next time." Iwa tells Oikawa who's on his way to retrieve the ball.

"Okay," Oikawa smiles.

Bokuto and I lean against the doorframe until Iwa spots us.

"No Sato today?"

I smile. "It must be your lucky day."

At my voice, Oikawa's head shoots up.

"Must be." Iwa shrugs.

I nudge Bokuto. "We should go."

Apparently Oikawa overhears because he's quick to shake his head. "No, no. You guys can stay and practice if you want."

"Oh yeah!" Bokuto basically jumps off the wall straight toward Iwa. I groan internally and stomp over to the bench.

There goes my plan to avoid.

I watch them practice for a bit, but Oikawa's head is definitely not in the game. He keeps messing up his sets, which is saying something. Iwa gets annoyed after a few minutes and tells him to take a breather. Unfortunately, that means he has to sit by me. I awkwardly hand him a water bottle.

"You don't have to rub it in." He rolls his eyes and takes a big gulp of water. I don't miss the way his mouth looks on the lid, or the way his hand grips the bottle.

His handssss.

"Rub what in?" I question but it comes out more mouse-like than I wanted.

"Your face is basically saying how much you like watching me suck." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and I nearly faint right then and there.

I repeat, 'Oikawa. Neighbor. Annoying.' to myself hoping to gain some clarity.

"My face doesn't talk." I shrug and try to focus on Bokuto and Iwa.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He places his hand on my shoulder to reach for another bottle behind me and I clench my jaw.

"I, uh,-" I clear my throat. "Do you really have to ask?"

He grins and licks his lips as he rounds back infront of me. "I guess I don't."

I roll my eyes and kick his leg. "We should forget that happened."


"Really?" My eyebrows shoot up. That was easy. Too easy.

"Sure," He shrugs. "You can't expect me to remember everyone I go around kissing, do you?"

I blink at him.

"I'm kidding!" He says quickly with a teasing smile. "But seriously, all is forgotten."

"Promise me we won't bring it up again?"

He stares at me with a smirk. "I'll even promise that we won't do it ever again."

I swallow. Ever again? I should take the out that he's giving me. I know I should. But I can't bring myself to.

"Thanks," Is all I say. It's not a yes, but it's not a no either. "We were just in a heated moment. That's it." I tell him, but I don't know who I'm trying to convince more. Him or me.

He nods and starts walking backwards to the court. "Yeah, heated moment. That's it." He winks and turns around. The jerk.

He spends the next hour torturing me. He keeps accidentally getting sweat in his eyes, so he has to wipe it off with his shirt that he clearly raises to get a rise out of me. I try my best to keep my eyes trained on Bokuto — which isn't hard, but sometimes my gaze wanders upon Oikawa and he decides to do the shirt thing ever single time.

Have I mentioned how much I despise him? Because I seriously do. He thinks he's so irresistible. Well, I'll show him how a real player plays. He may be the Great King on the court, but off it he's just a regular teenage boy that succumbs to the same thing every other teenage boy does.


And if I've learned anything from Sara, it's how to get a guy to want you.

Game on, Kawa.

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