e l e v e n

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Sara was surrounded by all the Karasuno girls at dinner so I decided to get changed and head to bed early. I sent my mom a quick text when we got here to let her know I didn't die... she hasn't responded. I head towards the girls room and a few girls from the Karasuno team are snickering in the corner to each other. Feeling a bit self conscious changing infront of them, I grab my pajamas and head to the girls bathroom. Before I open the door I get a text from Sara.

i'll meet you in the room in about an hour. some of the girls and i are gonna go practice our serves.

I send her a quick "okay" and force my way into the bathroom. I notice how she doesn't invite me to go with them. She knows I'll just be sitting on the sidelines watching. I huff out a small breath and change my pants to shorts, I take my shirt off but before I can put on my next one, someone walks out of the stall. I don't bother looking until I hear a familiar voice.


I spin around and see Oikawa and all his glory. His shirt is in his hand instead of on him and his face is bright red.

"Get out of the girls bathroom, you pervert!" I scream at him and all he does is watch me with his eyebrows raised.

"Look around, Y/N-chan." He smirks. I roll my eyes and notice the urinals to my left... definitely not for girls. "Looks like you're the pervert in this situation."

He shifts his weight to lean on the wall showing off all his abs. The shorts he's wearing doesn't cover much of his leg muscles. My face flushes and I look away quickly. "Put on a shirt."

"You put on a shirt." He says with the most annoying smirk creeping on his lips. I quickly throw my shirt on.

"I'm leaving," I narrow my eyes and try walking away but he pulls me back. His hand holding my wrist to his bare chest. My heart drops at our close proximity.

But that's stupid. This is my neighbor. The boy who annoyed me for years. I've seen him working out for volleyball before. Why is this any different?

"You lied to me." He says plainly. "You said you weren't dating Ushijima."

Guilt tries to break in, but it's Oikawa. I don't care what he thinks. Maybe once when we were younger... but not anymore. "I don't owe you anything."

"I always knew we didn't get along, but I never thought we lied to eachother." His words cut deep. Deeper than expected. He lets my hand go and I hate to say how much I miss the warmth it provided.

No, I yell internally.

Oikawa watches me for a moment and then starts to push past me.

"Wait," I call and he stops. "I didn't lie."

He spins around and his anger is evident on his face. "How stupid do you think I am?"

"Pretty stupid," I tease and it lightens his face for a moment. "But I didn't lie. You know how clumsy I can be. I fell on Ushijima and someone snapped a picture of us."

"Tendou's telling everyone you guys are together." He narrows his eyes waiting for my response and I groan. Stupid Tendou.

"Yeah, I know." I then go in the details of what I agreed to do. He looks annoyed at all the Ushijima stuff but his teasing tone is back by the time I finish.

"Well Y/N-chan, looks like our relationship is fixed." He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "It's like we're best friends again."

I push him off. "We were never best friends."

"I told you that lying isn't good." He teases with a pointed finger. I push his finger away and he laughs. I notice his abs tighten and swallow.

"Hey, you noticed how I've been working out?" A mischievous grin pastes on his face and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't notice actually." The blush creeping on to my face tells him that I'm lying so I quickly walk past him. "I'm going to bed."

"Sleep tight." He winks and I give him one last glance before leaving the bathroom. The boys bathroom. I can't believe I was distracted enough to walk in there.

I head to the girls room and slide under my covers. But no one is in here now. I guess the quiet follows me wherever I go. Even if I'm not at home. All the girls have left to do whatever it is they do at this time.

I shut my eyes tightly. No, I'm not going to let it bother me. My month.

I check my phone to distract myself from being such a downer. Three messages. One from my mom telling me to have fun. The second is from Oikawa.

You left before I could ask if you wanted to help me practice tomorrow?

yeah, hard pass
thanks though

You kind of owe me.

for what??

For breaking my heart when you said we weren't friends.

oh don't act like a babyyyy

I could be your baby ;)

i don't know if i told you this
but you're disgusting

Thank you, I try.
So?? Tomorrow night??



still no

One day, mark my words I'm going to get you to practice with me

don't hold your breath
...actually do.

I know deep down you love me...
And my body ;)

i hate you.

Oh come on, I was just playing.

I decide to let him sit for a minute. He types back.


I laugh and let him sit for a bit longer.

Fine :(
Break my heart :(
I'll just go to sleep :(

goodnight kawa

Goodnight :)

I exit out of Oikawa's messages and look at my other missed message. It's an unknown number.

where are you

I stare at the number. It's from my city, but I don't recognize it.

who's this?

I wait for a a few minutes until I get a reply.


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