t h i r t y o n e

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"You came," I say opening my window about thirty minutes later. I had texted for him to meet me at my window. I got to hand it to him, he came faster than I thought he would. I shouldn't have expected anything less from the great Ushiwaka.

"Why did you want me to come to your window instead of the door?" Ushijima asks blankly.

"Because I need to tell you the game plan. You owe me, right?"


"Great!" I lean against the window frame and take in the cool air. It's warm but there's a nice breeze out. "My dad is here, it's a long story."

Ushijima watches my reaction carefully. Something Sara used to do whenever I mentioned my dad.

I continue, "I need you to go around the front and knock and say you're here to hang out or something."


"I need you to be a buffer."

"A buffer?"

"A buffer." I repeat. "Just for a little bit. Please!"

He stares at me for a moment and slightly tilts his head. "Okay."

I watch as he walks off. I remember when he used to always walk off when talking to me. I wonder why he did that.

I wait till the doorbell rings and immediately close my window to walk to the front door. I walk quickly past the living room where I see my dad sitting. Thankfully, I don't see Sara. Hopefully she left with her mom.

I turn the corner and see Ushijima standing over my mother at the door. She's in her flirting stance and I cringe internally. "You know, sometimes Y/N and I get confused for sisters."

I lean against the wall to see where this is going to go.

My mom continues, "I didn't know you and Y/N were so close." She grabs his muscular arms. "Woah! Are you sure you're in high school?"

She giggles like a little kid and Ushijima's face turns bright red. She's so embarrassing.

Ushijima clears his throat. "Um, so, can I see Y/N?"

My mom looks disappointed. "I'm sorry. Y/N is in her room. She has a headache, but if you want to leave a message with me, you ca-"

"I'm here, Mom. I invited him." I start walking toward them.

She looks over her shoulders and gives me a look. "Your father is here." She turns back to Ushijima. "She has a hard time seeing him. Did you know he left us? I don't hold it against him, but she does. I think that's the reason she's single. She has trust issues-"


She spins around. "Alright, alright. I'm leaving."

I watch her walk off and turn to Ushijima. "I'm sorry, I'll give you an out. She's a bit much."

"I owe you." He shrugs and walks in the house.

I close the door behind us and lead him to the living room. My mom and dad are sitting there talking to each other – well my mom is talking, my dad is on his phone ignoring the conversation as usual.

My mom notices us immediately and smiles. "Ushiwaka, would you like something to eat? Drink?"

"No, thank you." He nods and my dad's head pops up.

"Sorry about that," He puts his phone in his pocket and gives Ushijima a smile. "I'm Y/N's dad. I didn't know you guys were close."

"That's what I said!" My mom laughs like that was the funniest thing she's ever heard.

"Yeah, well neither of you guys would know about my friends, huh?"

"I'm starving, who's hungry for some lunch?" My mom cuts in after a second, She drags Ushijima to the kitchen with her, leaving my dad and I alone.

"Why did you invite him over when I'm visiting."

"I didn't know you were visiting until this morning. It's not my fault you never text." I narrow my eyes and spin around.

I take a seat next to Ushijima at the table and my mom sits in front of me with my dad next to her.

"So," My father says after a few minutes of silence. "I saw online that you guys are together."

Ushijima and I exchange a glance.

"It's complicated." I mutter playing with my utensil. My moms eyes light up.

"I think you two make an excellent couple. I'm glad Y/N finally grew into herself. I think her ears don't really match her face quite as nice still. I blame that on her father. His family always had floppy ears."

I blink and cover my ears. "Mom!"

"Sorry, just telling the truth." She shrugs.

"I think her ears fit her." Ushijima says, his own ears glowing red. I've come to realize that this is a compliment and he rarely gives those out.

"I do too." My father adds.

"No need to suck up, you two." My mom waves her hand wildly. "She's my daughter for goodness sake. She looks like me, so of course she's gorgeous."

I don't remind her that not two minutes ago she told me my ears don't match me.

"Anyway," My father starts. "I was hoping you'd come with me to the states. You could meet your sister and maybe you could be there for your brothers birth. Akemi is so excited to meet you. She's always wanted to be a mother to a big family."

"Step sister and half brother." I correct him. "And Akemi isn't my mother. My mother is sitting in front of me right now."

The atmosphere shifts. My mom looks down and my father twists his lips. Ushijima is as stoic as usual though.

"You know what I mean." He says. "They're excited."

I don't respond. We all eat awkwardly. Maybe Ushijima was a bad choice. He's not that talkative. I should have brought Bokuto, but he lives five hours away and he hasn't answered any of my texts, so I don't think he'd be much help.

"Sara's tall now. You both have grown." My father tries to make conversation but he's failing miserably.

"Sara and I don't talk anymore." I say dryly. All eyes are on me now.

"Nonsense," My dad shakes his head. "You guys are like sisters."

I scoff. "From what you saw years ago? Hate to say, we aren't as close as you thought. We-"

Ushijima grabs my hand under the table and electricity surges through me. I take a deep breath because now instead of focusing my anger on my father, I'm focusing on the guy next to me.

I continue, "I mean... it's only been a few days that we haven't talked."

"I'm sure you two will reconcile." My father smiles.

"Maybe," I shrug.

Ushijima gives my hand a squeeze and I release a breath. I suppose Ushijima was a good choice after all.

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