t w e n t y f o u r

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It's officially the last full day of camp. We leave tomorrow morning and as much as I'm excited... I'm a little sad. I have to go home to be alone once again. My moms been trying to call me since I hung up the other day but I haven't been in the mood to talk to her.

I've been spending as much time as I can with Bokuto until I can't. Ushijima's been near me a lot too — I get flustered everytime. To my dismay, we haven't kissed or anything since the other day. I've been flirting with Oikawa and he's been looking at me like I'm crazy every time. It's funny to see his confusion.

During practice I stand by the door watching. I like the cool air that hits the courts. It's a nice change, unlike sitting in the gym making awkward eye contact with Sara.

In the middle of practice, I feel a presence come up behind me. I don't need to turn around to know who it is. Only one guy wears cologne that strong.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." I say without turning around.

"Technically, it's not sneaking if you know about it." Oikawa teases, he presses his body against mine and I shudder at the contact.

"Careful Kawa, don't want people to get ideas about us, now do we?" I turn around to face his confident little smirk.

"I've been curious about that." His eyes narrow on my own.

"Curiousity killed the cat." I try to turn around to end the conversation, but he pulls me back.

"Good thing I don't go to Nekoma."

"That was a horrible joke." I snort.

"Why are you suddenly flirting with me?" He folds his arms and I play it off with a smile.

"Maybe I've come around to your charm."

He scoffs. "Even I can sense the sarcasm in that. Come on, Y/N. I'm not stupid."

I roll my eyes because obviously messing with him isn't doing anything but ruining my pride. "Fine, I was trying to get you back."

"Whatever for?" He feigns innocence.

"You know what for."

He gives a cheeky smile. "Are you assuming that I know you're talking about the gym that one day?"

"Don't be cocky." I kick his foot and he laughs.

"You should've just told me how irresistible you find me instead of playing games."

"You're not irresistible."

"Why else would you need to get me back, as you so kindly put it? You should've just asked me to kiss you again. I think I could make some time."

"You better keep your mouth shut about that kiss. Nobody needs to know, especially when I'm with Ushijima."

"Seriously? You said it yourself that you aren't actually dating him." He rolls his neck. "I mean you guys are just friends."

Friends. What does that even mean anymore? I don't think I actually have one.

Before I can spit an insult at Oikawa, I hear someone clear their throat. My head shoots to the left and I see Bokuto standing there with his eyebrows raised.

"You aren't actually dating Ushijima?" He questions with his eyebrows raised.

"No! I mean Yes! I mean-"

"You mean you were lying this entire time?"

"Yes! Wait no! I-"

He doesn't let me finish, he spins around and walks the other way. I start to follow him but Oikawa grabs my arm.


"Let me go," I shake his grip off and try to catch up to Bokuto.

He doesn't make it easy. He walks very fast.

"Bokuto!" I scream.

He sighs and turns around. "What?"

I hesitate for a second. I've never seen Bokuto upset. Only he doesn't look upset... he looks sad.

"I'm sorry." I walk slowly toward him. I give him the full story about everything. I leave nothing out. "I really couldn't tell you. For Ushijima. The less people who know, the better."

He looks frustrated trying to get his thoughts together.

"You- You should have told me!" He puts both arms above his head outlining every muscle.

"I couldn't have,"

"You should've! I was- I thought- I wanted-"

"Wanted to what?"

"To- To-" He finally looks in my eyes. His golden eyes flicker with an intensity I can't quite name.

"To what?" I question trying to get an answer out of him.

He whines and not even a second later, he pulls me in to kiss him. I don't have time to understand what's happening, I'm too pleasantly surprised. Bokuto is playful with his kisses and it makes my heart skip a beat.

It's his arms I notice first. They're tightening around my back. It's like he thinks that if he doesn't hold on too tight, I'm going to disappear.

He keeps one arm around me as the other hand moves to my face. He cups my cheeks, forcing the kiss to deepen. I'm almost dizzy with the way his lips move with mine.

When we seperate, I stop to breathe and take in what just happened.

"I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you bleeding." He gives a shy smile, such a contrast from the Bokuto I know. He's all flustered and I can't help but blush. "I just, uh, couldn't."

"I get it." I grin at him and he lights up. In the distance, I hear my name being called.

I want to kill whoever that is.

"I'll see you later." He gives me a smile that could light up the entire world... or maybe just light up my world.

I never want to not see that smile.

I give a little wave and turn around to head back to the gym. I don't know anything anymore, but I do know that Bokuto is one of the best kissers I've ever had.

Although, besides Bokuto, I've only ever kissed Oikawa and Ushijima-

Oikawa and Ushijima!!

No, no, no! I cannot have kissed three boys in less than a month! I don't believe it! And not just any three boys. But three hot boys. For a minute I don't believe it. There's no way I could pull all of them. I'm just a nobody. I mean why not go for Sara or someone else?

Too many thoughts run wild in my head when I make it back to the gym. Thankfully Oikawa isn't there. I wouldn't be able to face him after what just occurred between me and Bokuto.

I really need to get my life together.

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