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It's been a week since Coach decided to ruin my life and make me go to the training camp. Instead of being a Downy Debra I decided to make the best out of my situation.

But when I start walking to the buses with Sara, every inch of my body is telling me to run. Every inch of me is telling me that something bad is going to happen.

"Hey, you good?" Sara asks me as she throws our bags with all the others.

"I'm good," I reply with the best smile I can muster up. "I've decided not to be annoyed anymore. This month is going to be my month."

"Say it louder for the people in the back!" She does her hip bump and we make our way to the bus.

Sadly, all of the seats are already filled with boys and girls. "I told you we should have came earlier." I mutter to Sara who just shrugs.

"Sara! Sit by me!" About ten people say. She kindly declines and pulls me to the back of the bus. Tendou and Ushijima sit on opposite sides at the back.

"Ask one of them to move," Sara whispers in my ear. I turn to the right to face Tendou.

"Me? Why me?" I shoot back but the second I ask I get jolted by the bus moving quickly. Sara catches herself on the back of the seat next to her, but I fall straight behind me, right on to Ushijima.

My heart skips a beat.

"This is becoming a habit." He says dryly and I jump off of him. "Were you on your phone again?"

"As a matter of fact, I was not."

Sara gives me a questioning look but I just mouth the word "later" to her. She nods and mouths "ask him" to me. I roll my eyes and turn to Ushijima.

"Can you move?" I nudge his head and he blinks at me in confusion but realizes what I want... or so I thought. Obviously he takes what I say the wrong way because he shifts over in his seat and says, "I think you fit."

I stare at him blankly. "That's not what I-"

"Thank you!" Sara smiles and shoves me down next to Ushijima. She takes a seat next to Tendou who looks positively thrilled by it.

"You okay?" Ushijima asks and I look at him.


"Do you have enough room now?"

"Oh, uh, yes. Thanks." I give him a tight-lipped smile and look at Sara who gives me a thumbs up.

I hate her right now.


The drive is slow and uncomfortable. Everytime Ushijima and I shift, we touch eachother and it's awkward as much as it gets my heart rate up. Every. Single. Time. He tries to squeeze himself next to the window and I try sitting at the edge of the seat. Unfortunately for me, the driver is a crazed maniac on drugs because the bus keeps throwing me towards him. One time the bus took a hard left throwing Ushijima towards me. In case you didn't know... having one hundred and eighty something pounds on you does not feel good at all. When we make it to the training camp, I swear I'm the first one to get off despite being in the back. I basically leap toward the door.

"So what was that with Ushijima? And don't say nothing." Sara asks handing me my bag and throwing hers over her shoulder.

"It's really nothing though, I bumped into him twice last week on my way to class."

"That's who you bumped into? Ushijima?" Her eyes go wide.

"Yeah, but don't make it a big deal. Please." I beg and she nods.


Almost immediately after, I feel hands wrap around my waist and freak out.

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