t h i r t y t w o

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After dinner my mom forced me to stay and talk with my dad for another hour. It was torture but Ushijima held my hand the whole time. I smiled through the pain you could say. But the way he rubs his thumb across my hand constantly makes me want to relive that kiss we once had.

That was another kind of torture.

My dad just left to his hotel. He said he's expecting a call from Akemi and didn't want to miss it. My mom left too. She said she has to meet a business partner but I know better — she's meeting friends.

"I'm sorry I wasted your afternoon." I nudge Ushijima as I put some dishes away.

He stands next to me and shrugs. "It wasn't a waste. Your family is nice."

I laugh at that. "My mom is absolutely crazy and my dad is... well my dad."

"I like them."

"You can have them."

He helps me put away some more dishes and then I take him to my room. I make sure to remember the way he helped me. He has the most manners out of every guy I know. I love it.

"It's not much..." I say letting him in. He stares at all my stuff and plays with a little stuffed animal laying on my bed. "Oh, um, that's my, uh-"

"It's cute." He says placing it gently on my bed again.

"Sara gave it to me when my dad left. She wasn't allowed to stay over on school nights so she gave me that to help me sleep. She told me to pretend she was with me even when she wasn't." I smile at the memory but quickly wipe it off.

"Sara does a lot for you."

"More like she can't mind her own business." I fold my arms but even I know that's not true. Sara does do a lot for me.

I immediately get a text and look at my phone. I hope it's Bokuto and a little part of me hopes it's Sara. But it's just Oikawa. I still smile... a little...


yeah, i'll text you later.


I roll my eyes and put my phone away.

"Thanks for coming by the way. You didn't have too."

He walks over to me. "Yes, I did. You said you needed me."

Butterflies fill my stomach at his words. He came because I simply needed him.

"If you keep saying stuff like that I'm going to fall in love." I tease, but realize I'm talking to Ushijima and not Oikawa who I usually play around with. "Oh, uh, that was a joke."

"A joke," He repeats his eyes glowing.

"Yeah," I swallow. "A joke."

He takes another step closer and we're inches away from eachother.

"Close your eyes." He tells me.


"Close them." He says again and I close my eyes. My heart pounds against my chest. "Stay still."

I nod my head unable to form words.

He pushes a small hair behind my ears. "Is this okay?"

I nod my head again. He closes the distance between us, but he kisses my forehead. My eyes fly open.

"Close," He says in his usual hard voice. I quickly shut my eyes and he kisses my cheek.

A second later, he kisses my other cheek. I feel dizzy and grab on to his back. I hear him hesitate. His breathing becomes rapid and he plants a soft kiss on my lips.

So soft I can barely think.

"You can open your eyes now." He tells me. It takes me a couple seconds but I pull myself together and my eyes flutter open. "I wanted to try that again."

I smile. "You can do it again if you want."

His eyes soften and I can almost see a smile form on his lips before he takes my waist and pulls me in. His lips softly crash on to mine and this time it's different.

Full of want.

I respond to the kiss eagerly and we walk over to my bed without breaking apart. He gently places me on the bed and leans on top of me. One arm propping himself up, and the other still on my waist.

My hands crawl up his shirt and I'm frozen by what I feel. His stomach is rock hard. He notices my hesitation and releases his lips from mine.

"What's wrong?" He asks. His eyes glazing over my face.

"Nothing. You're just very attractive."

He looks away and I can see red start to form on his skin.

I gasp mockingly. "Did I just make you blush? Wow, I should get a gold star for that."

His eyebrows furrow slightly trying to figure something out and then he lifts my chin and leans in. Only when he leans in, he doesn't kiss me... but goes to my ear.

He whispers in a tone I've never heard, "I told you once that you make me get carried away. I stand by that. You'll be the death of me, I swear it."

With that, he sets soft kisses along my jawline until he gets to my lips again. His kisses are passionate and soft. I absolutely love them. I make sure I remember each touch so I can replay it later; the way his hands move under my shirt, up and down my back, and the way our bodies sync together in perfect unison — like I was meant to do this all my life.

Ushijima is perfect. In every way possible. He hides his goofy side, but I can see it coming to light. He's gorgeous, attractive, undeniably kind and gently, and everything I could ever want in a guy.

But... he isn't the only one on my mind throughout the day. There's still those two pesky boys that I can't seem to forget about.

Bokuto and Oikawa.

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