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It's been a week since we got here. I keep telling myself there's only two more to go. It's been pretty boring for me. If I'm not watching people practice, I'm keeping score, handing out water bottles and towels, or eating. It's a never ending stream of the same.

Ushijima makes me go on jogs every night still. Tendou tells me it's good publicity — whatever that means. Oikawa's still been bugging me to practice with him everytime I see him, I always say no. Bokuto though, we've been practicing with him. We as in Sara and I. My little fangirled crush on him has been getting bigger and bigger everyday.

The second I walk into breakfast I look for Sara but run into Oikawa and his wide grin.

"Goodmorning, my favorite neighbor!" He winks.

"Morning," I mutter walking past him to get food. He stands in line with me. "Was there something you needed?"

"Just wanted to know if you were available to practice."

"Do you ever give up?" I groan and thank the lady for my tray.

"No, no I do not."

I turn around and scan the entire room for Sara.

"She's not here." Oikawa says matter-of-factly. "She's practicing with her new bestie."

I roll my eyes even though I know what he's saying is true. Sara's been going off with Michimiya every morning for the entire week. I don't like to follow, Michimiya is pretty annoying when she sucks up to Sara the entire time.

Suddenly a bald guy that kind of looks like a delinquent and a short spiky haired guy comes up to us. They're wearing karasuno colors.

"I've seen you with Sara! Do you know where she is?" The bald one says and his face is up on mine.

"And do you know if she likes some guy named Nishinoya?" The short one asks.

"She doesn't like you! She likes me!" The bald one shoves him.

Nishinoya — I'm assuming — shoves him back. "Ouch! Tanaka! How do you like being shoved?"

"Boys, give the lady some space." Oikawa chides. He grabs me by the shoulder and manuevers me around the crazy boys. "You're welcome."

"I didn't ask for help, I'm used to it. Sara's very popular if you haven't noticed."

I hear a scoff and see Iwaiziumi. "We all now she's little miss popular."

"Why so down on her all the time?" Oikawa asks. He gently pushes my shoulder down and I reluctantly sit at their table. Oikawa takes a seat next to me and Iwa just rolls his eyes from across Oikawa.

"I hate people who use their looks for publicity." He mutters.

"I do too." Oikawa agrees and if his little jump was any indication Iwa kicks him from under the table.

"Don't act like you don't do the same thing, Stupidkawa!"

"That's not nice, Iwaiziumi." Oikawa pouts.

"Sara doesn't use her look for publicity." I snap feeling defensive over my friend.

Iwaiziumi looks down to his food and Oikawa places a hand on my back. "He's only kidding."

Iwa starts to correct him but gets interrupted.

"Take your nasty Seijoh hands off Ushijima's girl!"

I turn around to see Tendou and Ushijima.

"His girl?" Oikawa laughs and tightens his grip on me. I quickly push him off. Tendou takes it upon himself to sit a seat away from Iwaiziumi and Ushijima sits across from Tendou — next to me.

Iwa and Oikawa are silent all of a sudden and I let out a breathy laugh. For such big talkers, they're very quiet.

"Wow," Tendou says after a beat. "This is what it's like being in Aoba Johsai."

Oikawa and Iwa's heads shoot up to face him.

Tendou continues, "It's very... anticlimactic and boring."

"Aoba Johsai is not anticlimactic." Iwaiziumi says.

"Or boring!" Oikawa adds.

Tendou taps his fingers on the table and starts whistling and I feel like I'm about to explode with awkwardness.

"Hey, hey, hey!" A hand wraps around me and I can't help but giggle and feel a shiver crawl up my spine.


Oikawa and Ushijima stare at us.

"Hey, your friend is stealing Akaashi from me!" Bokuto complains.

Your friend, there it is again. After years of being Sara's friend — no, Sara's shadow, she is finally my friend.

Bokuto walks around the table and sits directly infront of me, inbetween Tendou and Iwa. "Wow, so this is like the cool kids table, huh?"

Nobody answers and I just shrug. I give him a look that says 'leave while you can'. But he doesn't understand.

"You remind me of someone." Bokuto looks to Tendou, his eyes narrowed.

"Of yourself," Tendou answers teasingly but his voice is serious. He stares at Bokuto closely and I can't help notice the similarities between them.

Bokuto looks back at him just as close. "I like this kid." Bokuto faces me and points to Tendou.

"So, who wants to play a little practice game?" I ask them before the awkward silence comes again. "I'll even keep score."

"As much as I'd love to join you, I promised Kunimi some lessons." Iwa states simply getting up from his seat. Oikawa makes a face to him but he shrugs and walks away quickly.

Oikawa groans and looks at another table. "Kindaichi! Come take Iwaiziumi's spot and play a game with your upperclassman."

Kindaichi's face lights up and he's next to us in seconds.


"Alright, it can be a three on three." Oikawa says with a smile. We picked Akaashi up on the way here.

"Great, I'll pick the teams so it's fair." I add. I love holding the power of the group. I look around at the six boys. All so powerful... well Kindaichi is a little questionable but he's a first year so that doesn't matter.

"I want Kindaichi on my team." Oikawa whispers in my ear making me shiver. He's quick to notice my reaction and smirk.

I shove him away before smiling mischievously. "Oikawa, Bokuto, and Tendou on one side. Akaashi, Ushijima, and Kindaichi on the other."

"Somehow I don't think that's very fair." Akaashi says dryly, his eyes on Kindaichi who is already skipping to his spot on the court.

"Hey! You expect me to play against this guy?" Bokuto points a finger in Ushijima's stomach.

"You've played against him already." I remind him.

"That's how I know he's a beast!" Bokuto pouts.

"I thought you were the best player?" I tease him.

"I am."

"Then prove it."

Bokuto's eyes shimmer and he races to the court.

"You have no idea what you just did." Akaashi groans and heads over to the opposite side of Bokuto. Oikawa and Tendou join Bokuto.

"You got his hopes up." Ushijima says without looking at me. I follow his gaze to where Bokuto is fist bumping the air. Akaashi is trying to calm him down on the other side.

"Oh? So you think you're going to win?" I question and he looks at me.

"I am."

And with that he walks off ready to play this intense game.

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