4.Magic Bullet

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Me and Allison lay in her room watching the titanic, definitely not our finest decision. It was getting late and plus we had school tomorrow. We had the tissue box stationed on the desk, considering the fact we cried bucketloads and had already gone through a small pack of them already. They were essential to the movie night.  Allison had thankfully let me stay the night due to the argument I'd have with Jackson earlier in the day about something stupid. We both drifted off into sleep but then a noise disturbed me later on in the night. I nudged Allison as we both wandered out into the hall at the top of the stairs where her dad was wandering just below a bag of something in hand.

"What's going on?" Allison asked him in a soft voice. Her dad quickly turned around to see us both standing upstairs.

He smiled at me quickly before looking to Allison and answering her question, "Your Aunt Kate just texted. I'm heading out to pick her up."

"It's 2 in the morning, is everything okay?" Allison asked with her arms folded in the freezing hallway. I remained quiet as i stood beside.

"Yeah, yeah she's just having a little car trouble"

"Not serious is it? Allison questioned further.

"No just a flat tire. Go back to bed girls" He said gesturing towards Allison's bedroom.

As we entered and took out places I looked to her,
"You never mentioned your Aunt coming?"

"Yeah we're pretty close, she's my dads sister but to be honest she's more like mine" She and told me as she pulled the blanket over her. "You'll like her" She added with a small yawn before she fell asleep.

The next morning I was awoke by Allison and someone else screaming down the hallway. I sat straight up in fright as I jumped out of bed and ran down to where the screams came from.

"Sweetie, you're a knockout. In fact, I hope you have the boys knocking each other's teeth out for your attention."

"I kinda have one" Allison said. I could already tell she had a smile on her face.

"You kind of have one? You should kind of have a million." the second voice sounded.

"That's what I keep telling her" I said as I entered the room. Allison hopped off the bed and the ladys eyes followed her as she walked to me.

"Kate this is my friend, meet Dani, Dani this is my Aunt Kate.

"Hey, nice to meet you" I said smiling to her. She had long blonde hair with a slight wave in it around the same height as me and Allison, maybe a bit taller.

"Oh my god, Allison is this a second runway model? Honey your gorgeous!" She said as she gave me a small hug. After she released me she took a moment to look at me before she quickly looked away as though she was in deep thought which I found a little strange. Allison broke the silence.

"Do you need some help unpacking-" She said reaching towards Kate's bag before kate grabbed the brunettes wrist. "No not that one" She said quickly as she moved Allison's hand away from her. 'What's the deal with the bag?' I thought to myself.

Kate sighed before speaking once again, "See, you both turn out beautiful and I end up with this kung fu death grip." The three of us laughed slightly. "Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to be so rough." She added apologetically.

"No worries" Allison said calmly as she clutched onto a pillow. "Hey is everything okay with your car?"

"Uh yeah. I just needed a jump-start that's all" Kate called from the attached bathroom.

I looked to my friend immediately. "a jump start?" I mouthed to her.

She shrugged,  "A jump start?" The girl questioned

Later on we got to school and the day went on. I stood with Jackson at his locker as we both apologised about the argument (ik i never wrote about it in the book just know it happened) "So anyway yeah sorry about that" I finished.

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