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"Sooo is that a yes?" Danny's voice chimed over the phone. I had just gotten back from Lydia's and was now talking to Danny about the dance on Friday.

"Danny seriously? Cmon we both know you'll ditch me for some hot guy the minute we get there" I laughed over the line.

"Oh haha" He said sarcastically. "Please Elle" That was the nickname Danny preferred to use for me. Over the time we were friends it had become confusing to throw each other's names back at each other being so similar. Therefore Danny preferred the name Elle (from the Daniella) even though sometimes he would use the preferred nickname, Dani.

"you know fine well it'll look sad if you go alone besides I can be your wingman!"

"Danny who exactly am I gonna need a wingman for. I'm just about as single as that one depressed sweet which nobody likes the flavour of so they just leave it in the packet alone" I deadpanned back at him.

"Please don't make me beg. I'm sure we'll find somebody" The boy protested.

I sighed as I looked out the blinds of my window noticing a tall dark figure staring at me through the window. I couldn't make out his face though unfortunately.

"Elle? You there? Daniella Whittemore?" A voice spoke over the phone. I didn't take her eyes off the man.

"Yeah...yeah sure" I said before hanging up the phone, looking down to the man. However my thoughts were interrupted by my mother entering the room sitting a cup of water down on the desk.

"Have that for the headache sweetie" She said as she placed the tablet on the dressing table. She then passed a bowl of fruit as I began eating it.

"Still that hungry?" Her Mum asked concerned looking down at the nearly empty bowl.

"Yeah, they doctors didn't happen to mention anything about that right?" I asked her looking up from the food, quickly swallowing the strawberry in my mouth.

"They think it might be due to the lack of food and drink while you were out" She said with a weak smile taking the empty bowl from my hand and placing it back down on the table. She then looked at me and embraced me in a hug and I could feel a hot tear running down her cheek. I patted her on the back before she broke away and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand forcing herself to continue smiling at me.

"Make sure you get enough sleep, school tomorrow. If your feeling up to it. Nobody's making you" She said as she reached for the door handle pulling it open.

"Mum I'll be fine" I reassured her as she left the room shutting the door behind her. Once she was gone and footsteps faded I ran to the window peeking through the blinds. The man was gone.

The next day at school went by quite quickly. According to what Jackson and Danny had told me, in the locker rooms coach had told Scott he wasn't allowed to come to the dance due to his grades. And now that Scott and Allison were no longer together, and Jackson and Lydia weren't. Jackson had asked Allison to the dance. So they were going as friends anyway. Me and the 2 girls were now at the mall on the escalators while we shopped for dresses.

"Allison you good?" I asked the brunette who was being rather quiet.

"Nothings wrong. I just have a lot on my mind" The girl sighed in response.

"You could smile at least" Lydia told her.

"I agree with Lyds, you look miserable" I said with a small smile as I nudged the girl gently.

"Ever heard the saying, never frown someone could be falling in love with your smile?" Lydia said to her.
"Smile Allison. I'm buying you a dress"

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