1. Tattoo

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"You're serious?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow as I stood beside Stiles, leaning shading the wall

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"You're serious?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow as I stood beside Stiles, leaning shading the wall. Scott nodded as I pressed my lips into a thin line.

The tattooist help up the paper as he looked though his glasses. "Boy, it's a good thing you drew me a picture" He said sarcastically as the werewolf smiled.

"Hey Scott? Sure you don't want something like this?" Stiles asked as he held up a photo of a lizard-like monster that resembled the kanima. "Too soon?"

I leaned forward slightly to get a better look at it before I clapped his shoulder. "Too soon" I told him.

"I don't know man are you sure about this? I mean these things are pretty permanent you know?" Stiles began.

"I'm not changing my mind" Scott said before he even had time to put a thought in.

"Well good for you McCall" I said with a grin before I turned to Stiles. "How much we betting that he's gonna regret this by next week?" I whispered.

"You're giving him a whole week? I say we put our money on tomorrow" He said.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" Scott called from the seat.

I turned back to face him as my dark hair flipped across my face, quickly blowing a stray stand away. "That was the point"

He chucked slightly as I glanced down at the drawing. "Okay but why two bands?" Stiles queried.

"Yeah, why not something cool you know? He should get a wolf shouldn't he Stiles?" I joked.

"Hmm, nah...wolf's too cool for him"  The boy added as Scott stared at us, his lips parting. Wanting to make a comment about being a werewolf but not being able to in the presence of the tattooist.

"I just like it" Scott told us.

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know or something?" Stiles continued. "Like c'mon Dani, what'd you get?"

"Easy, I'd get an hourglass or an infinity sign on my ankle, but it'd be small" I added.

"See Scott? Those have meaning" Stiles shot at the boy. "Wait...What's the meaning?"

I sighed, "Another time Stillinski"

"Getting a tattoo means something" Scott told him.

Stiles smiled slightly as he shook his head. "I don't think that's..."

"He's right. Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatua means 'to leave a mark' like a rite of passage" The man interrupted.

Scott looked back to us, "Yeah, you see? He gets it"

"I think he's inclined to give you his support" I laughed.

"He's covered in tattoos Scott. Literally" Stiles told him as he crossed his arms.

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