10. The Overlooked

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Thunder rattled and lightning struck as I watched trees pull themselves from the ground as they tumbled downwards

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Thunder rattled and lightning struck as I watched trees pull themselves from the ground as they tumbled downwards. "So much for mild thunderstorms" Blaze muttered as I turned away from the window to see Cora lay in bed, she was getting even worse. She has dark circles under her eyes and her face had never been so pale. Peter looked down at her in concern as he dabbed a cloth over her forehead. People were being evacuated from the hospital due to the storm. Windows were beings smashes by trees, and so many casualties were coming in that it was hard to keep up. Blaze knelt down beside the girl with his hand laced through hers.

"Hey anyone wanna tell me when they're getting my niece out of here?!" Peter shouted out the door, seeing people rushing past before he turned back to her. Mellisa entered the room a couple seconds later with her eyes on the clipboard. "Sorry but she wasn't uh..." She trailed off as Peter turned around and met her gaze. She took a small step back without even realising as it fell quiet. "You're supposed to be dead" She said quietly.

"I get that a lot actually" Peter responded. Suddenly beeps came from Cora's machines as the girls eyes shot wide open and she leaned over the edge of the bed as she began to cough up blood. Blaze instantly got up from his stance as he rubbed her back. Looking down at the dark blood splashed across the floor. Mellisa drew back a sharp breath at the sight as I scrunched my nose in disgust, the usual craving for blood extremely faint after watching the sight.

"You okay?" I asked her as she looked up at me.

"Do I look it?" She snarled, well more like winced at this point. She fell back into the bed as Blaze studied her features. I had never knew how much he truly cared for the girl until I seen the way he looked at her. At that moment in time, all that mattered to him was Cora Hale. He took no notice of Peter, Mellisa or I. He took no notice of the wind rattling against the windows, the screams from down the hallway, the thunder rumbling outside, the shouts and calls from doctors. The only thing he cared about was if she was okay. He looked at her as if nothing mattered because in reality, nothing else did matter to him.

I stumbled backwards slightly before turning on my heel to stop myself from stepping into the blood. My eyes then fell to the clock behind me. "I, uh, I need to go" I said gesturing towards the door. I exited the door as I shook my head before rubbing the back of my neck. A hand then caught onto my wrist as I turned around to see Blaze.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you think she'll be okay?"

I glanced behind him to see Cora sitting up on the bed as Peter looked over her worriedly. "You really care about her, don't you?"

Blaze looked down to the floor before meeting my gaze. "Of course I care about her Dani, that's why I'm not leaving this hospital until I know she's safe"

I nodded in understanding, "You're good together"

"Thanks" He said with a small smile as he looked over his shoulder.

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