7. Emotional Fool (2)

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I will continue with the last shot. Kindly ignore any mistakes and enjoy reading.

Ridhima walked holding a mug of coffee in her hand to the swing on her terrace. It's been 3 years she left from the life of Vansh she thought.

Flashback -

It was around 3.00 a.m when she woke up. She didn't knew when she slept. She felt weak. She looked around. Daadi was laying beside her. She slowly got up and picked her phone and booked for a cab. She placed her hands on Daadi's legs asking for forgiveness and blessings. She moved towards the front door without making noise. She prayed to god to let her escape without others notice. She escaped from the backyard and walked towards the cab parked at a distant from the mansion. She got in and showed the address. She threw out the sim that was in her phone. He should not have any clue to find out her. All the while she travelled, her thoughts was about Vansh. His entry to her life, how she fell in love with him, how she got shot for saving him,......all those moments..........how she wished if they have met without much dramas.....Maybe she was subjected to be a victim of all this......

She got down from cab and took a random rickshaw so that even if the cab driver was caught he wouldn't be able to trace her. She directed the directions to the driver, to the persons place whom she hopes to help her. She couldn't involve any of her friends or orphanage mates as she no longer wanted to lose/ harm her loved ones like Sejal.

It was around 10.00 a.m when she reached. By the time Vansh would have got to know she is missing. She needs to fasten around things. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. There comes out a middle aged man in his business attire. He couldn't recognize her at first sight. " May I know who you are? " asked the man. " Ridhima, physiotherapist " she answered. He looked at her for few seconds and then a huge smile appeared on his face. She felt somewhere relived to see it.

Mr. Sidharth Varma, was a business man. He had approached Ridhima, 2 years ago for the treatment of his hands. He liked her and had offered to help her if required. She could only take the chance to escape from Vansh.
Sidharth : Yes dear, get inside...
Ridhima : Thank you Sir.

The servants offered her water. She took it and drank it in one go.
Sidharth : So how are you doing?? Is your practices going on well??
Ridhima thought for a while, how could she explain her story to him?? Will he help her ?
All that she could whisper out was, " Please help me Sir...... " tears escaped from her eyes.
He didn't know what had happened to the chirpy girl he had known. All he knew was she  was facing hard time......... The manager comes to him and says, " You are ready to leave Sir, the flight is on time." ... He didn't want to leave her in such a situation but also couldn't miss the flight. He was in a dilemma how to help her.
Sidharth : I don't know what had happened to you?? I'm leaving this place and going to settle in London. All I could do now is if you don't want to stay here and is interested in coming with me, I can offer you help.
Ridhima without thinking twice nodded her head. All she wanted was to just escape from this place.

She had joined him from there. It took almost a year to explain her situation to him. She didn't want anyone more to cheat or use her. He offered her job and also introduced to her family. His brother, Mr. Sanjay whom she calls as sanju made good friends with her. Even though she was setted with their company, she was always haunted by the thoughts of fear that one or the other day Vansh will find her. Each day she woke up with anxiety, she will have to face him. It was Sanjay who helped her overcome the fears. She always thanked God for giving the opportunity to be with them. After 2 years, when there wasn't any sign of Vansh, she wondered if he had stopped searching her or did the truth come in front of him. Even if the truth comes out she determined not to get back to his life.

Flashback ends

Somewhere now she felt peace. Her thoughts were interrupted when she received call from an unknown number. Her heart skipped a beat down. What if it was Vansh? She questioned herself. Without delaying she picked the phone and said, " Hello."
Voice : Hey, it's me Sanjay. This is my new number.
She felt relieved.
Ridhima : hmm
Sanjay : Are you alright??
Ridhima : hmm
Sanjay : From your response I feel like you are still in his thoughts. Do you expect him to come back to your life??
Ridhima : No, I don't want to......but somewhere still I love him.....
Sanjay : I can understand ridhu, let's see what the future holds for you. I can assure you one thing, whenever you are stuck at anywhere, anytime on anything you can always rely on me.
Ridhima maintained silence for sometime.
Sanjay : Are you there??
Ridhima : Yeah...
Sanjay : Open the door then
Ridhima : What??? Don't tell me you are in right front of the room.
Sanjay : of course I'm ...... It's just 12.00a.m, let's start the day seeing my face. Don't wait for too much to think. My hands are paining carrying your favorite pastries.

Ridhima went and opened the door. He was right in front of her. She couldn't stop smiling. She stood for a while looking at him. He had always helped her to get out of her traumas. He had built the confidence in her. She could always rely on him. He had once proposed her, but she rejected saying let them be friends itself. He had never minded it and went to being her good friend, never ever questioned her for rejecting him. It wouldn't be enough to thank him.

Ridhima : Sanjay...
Sanjay : Yes... 
Ridhima : Will you look after me ??? Will you take care of me for the rest of my life?? Will you make me trust the relationship of marriage??? Will you ever stop holding my hand??? Will you ever be there throughout my emotions???
Tears fall from her eyes. He looked at her and moved forward towards her. He cupped her face and said, " I will be there throughout your life, no matter what ever happens I would never stop holding your hands, you won't ever have to look back at your past, it would be only you and me.......... " he hugged her. She closed her eyes in relief.

They got disturbed by the door bell. She said she will look. She opened the door to find the man she loved truly, right in front of her.....

Will be continued....

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