4. Promise

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Here is the next shot. Shot is based on after Ridhima agreeing to spend time with Vihaan. Proofreading isn't done. So kindly ignore any mistakes and enjoy reading.

Ridhima went to her room thinking about what happened few minutes ago. She had to agree to Vihaan for not letting kabir put the photo on the screen. She cursed her helplessness. The way he tried to get close her even though there wasn't such, she feared his next actions. Her mind was continusly playing the time she spend with Vihaan.

She cried her hurt out for thinking he is Vansh whenever he looked into her eyes. She hopped if Vansh was alive, she wouldn't have to undergo all this. She gets tensions thinking what would be Vihaans next move. She cursed the time she thought to get help from him. Why did she has to go all through this pains. What was her crime? She couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't........

She thought to end her life, only to be far from this world or should say to the world of Vansh......She could live with him...... She didn't want to be part of anymore dramas. She didn't want to live a life in fear. She didn't want to get hurt by others taunting and accusations. She didn't want to be another victim. She didn't want to be manipulated once again. Her head bursted out. She picked her and Vansh pic and said, " I'm sorry... I can't live without you.... I can't live with another look alike person of you.....as I may commit a crime thinking its you......If only you were here......." she cried.

She picked the knife, placed it near her wrist and closed her eyes. All the moments spent with Vansh flashed through her mind to the last, where he fell of the cliff. As the moment passed on in her head, blood flow out of her wrist. Suddenly the knife was grabbed by someone. She looked to the person. Her Vansh standing in front of her. But it was her mind playing with her again. It wasn't him. It was the imposter. Vihaan quickly wrapped a cloth around her wrist not listening to her.
Ridhima forcefully tried to stop him. " Won't you let me die peacefully at least??? " she shouted. He slapped her hard. She fell on the ground.

Vihaan (concerned and angry) : Do you even know what you was going to do??
Ridhima (pale) : Yes, I very well know. I'm fed up. I can't live this life with full of regrets. I'm weak...... I'm loosing..... I'm not able to save anyone including me..... It is me who is getting hurt at the end whenever I try to save my closed ones..... I can't cheat anymore Vansh..... At least after his death...... Why do you play with me Vihaan? Why are you making me weak and guilty through your words and actions? Why do I end up in a situation where I never wanted to be?? Why do I trust someone and they betrays me ( She hinted Kabir and Vihaan)..... Why me...... I can't anymore..... I need to go back to him, whom can protect me from anything..... I need to go back to him........

She fell unconscious. He got terrified. He regreted for the demand he asked her. He picked her up and moved out of the house without anyone's notice. He needed to take her to the hospital. He placed her in the car. He rushed to the hospital.

Doctor said she was fine but weak. He felt relieved and thanked God. He asked the permission for discharge. He could not take her in this form back to the house. It would definitely create doubts in everyone. At least till her bandage takes off, they need to stay out of the mansion. He needed to take her out, somewhere no one could spot them. He gently placed her on car seat. Before driving, he messaged Angre to take care of the family and to have an eye on kabir. He assured him, he and ridhima would be back after 3/4 days.

He started driving. He looked at her pale face. He placed his hands on her and mentally said,  " I will answer all your questions ridhima. Hereafter I would never cross my limits. I promise you there won't be such a thing that pressurize you to think of harming you again. I  won't ever taunt or tease you.... It's my promise. "

End of shot 4.

To the readers,
After reading the comments for the last shot, got to know most of you guys wanted a second part to it. I haven't thought about it yet. But yes, if I get something good to write as a continuation to it, would definitely do it.
Enjoy reading.

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