3. His ways

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Here goes the third shot story. Maybe not upto the previous ones. Enjoy reading.

Truth of kabir and Anupriya came out at last but was too late. He had lost ridhima. Thinking she might be the reason for all the problems he asked her to leave the house. She left without saying anything. He still remembers the day, her birthday, he revealed himself to the whole family about being disguised as Vihaan in front of ridhima. He accused her for attempting to kill Sia. She didn't say anything. Daadi and Ishani slapped her. Even though it had hurt him, his brain reacted that she deserves it. Before leaving she came near him and said, " Thank you for my birthday gift.... Be aware of Anupriya....".
That's it, she left not even trying to prove herself. Tears escaped from his eyes. After three months, Sia woke up from coma. The only thing she said him was, " Ridhima is innocent ". They got to know truth of Anupriya. Police arrested Kabir and Anupriya.

After the incident, he had been continusly searching for her but seems like she vanished to the air. But he didn't give up his hope. He knew it was difficult to live without her. Getting to see his closed ones depressed, he thought to take them out for a trip. They left to his favorite spot. He was walking around making others settle themselves. He turned to the direction of familiar voice. There was desperation in that search. He knew she was there. Yes, he found her.....

The girl who had a lovely chirpy face and voice had turned to pale one. He couldn't express his happiness seeing her. He just ran to hug her but stopped when he saw, she hugging someone else. He couldn't bear another person in her life. He got angry and irritated or should say jealousy at the peak.

He moved to them and pushed the guy out of her. They were startled by the sudden action. She looked at the person who interfered them. All she could whisper was " Vansh .."
Guy : Excuse me, how dare you?
Vansh : How dare you hugged her ? She is mine.
Guy : Excuse me???
Vansh was ready to slap him when he was stopped by his love.
Vansh : Ridhima...
Ridhima : Who gave you the rights to slap him? Who are you to interfere in our private space? It's our wish whether to hug or not.
Vansh was shocked by her response. He knew she was angry but he won't agree to it.
Vansh ( serious tone) : Your husband..
Ridhima composing herself said, " well as far as I know I had divorced you three months ago. So how can you claim as my husband?

By the time everyone had reached there. All were happy to see her. But could notice the uneasiness in her tone.
Vansh ( irritated ) : Listen ridhima, I know you are angry with me and have the right to do so but I know the truth now. I'm sorry for all those things that happened. We can start a new life. I assure you there wouldn't be anyone interfering in our life anymore.
Ridhima : You had lost me long ago Vansh. I'm no longer interested in coming back to your life.
Sia : Bhabhi, he didn't knew the truth that time. Please forgive him.
Ridhima looked at her, she was happy to see her back. " I'm happy seeing you fine ". Daadi came near her and asked, " Are you angry with me? "
Ridhima : No daadi, why would I be? You were right to get angry on me for all my doings. In spite of believing me so much, what did I give you other than cheating ?
Daadi : leave all that dear. Please come back to our family. There is no one other than perfect for Vansh.
Ridhima : perfect??? I wasn't and won't be..
Vansh : Ridhima...
Ridhima : I beg all of you to leave me on my way.

He knew she won't listen to his pleading nature. He has to turn over to the angry Vansh Raisinghanai, whom she can never escape. " Well if that's the case I will have to do something you won't like " he said looking at her in a serious tone. She gave him a questioning look. " For your kind information Ridhima, I have never signed the divorce papers so, practically you are still my wife and I'm going to take you back with me " . Before she could say something he picked her and moved forward. The guy tried to stop him but Vansh showed his hand asking him to stop and said in a warning tone, " Don't you dare !! This is between husband and wife. Let us solve it. You don't have to interfere in it."

He moved forward followed by others. All they could do was smile.

However she resisted he didn't payed attention to it. All he said in a teasing tone was, " by the way you have gained so much weight within these months. Try to control your diet or else I would need to work out more to pick you up. And by the way, who is that idiot, who doesn't even have the strength to fight with me, didn't you get someone else other than him? Poor choice...." She looked at him getting irritated and annoyed at his words. He knew there is only one way to make her convince, that is his ways and styles.

End of 3rd shot.

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